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. 2023 Nov 29;45(11):e706–e723. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1772597

Chart 2. List of excluded studies.

Study Reason
1 Machado, O., 2017. [Factors associated with uterine atonia in the postwork of the Hospital Uldarico Rocca Fernández in Villa el Salvador, in the period January - December 2014]. Repository of the San Martín de Porres University. The study is a thesis published in a repository.
2 Salazar de Dugarte G, González de Chirivella X, Faneite Antique P. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de macrosomía fetal. Rev Obstet Ginecol Venezuela. 2004; 64(1):15–21. Does not operationally define the variable postpartum hemorrhage.
3 Galarza MP de L. Indicadores clínico epidemiológicos y materno-fetales de atonía uterina en puérperas post cesárea primaria en una clínica privada de agosto 2017–agosto 2018. Rev Fac Med Humana. 2019; 19(2):7–7. Does not operationally define the variable postpartum hemorrhage.