Susceptibility and recovery assays of Chicago C, UW330B, and SS14 to azithromycin, and susceptibility and recovery assays with and without linezolid exposure
Non-antibiotic control wells represent treponemal growth in absence of antibiotic from day 0 (inoculum) to day 7 after plate inoculation. DMSO bars are relative to Sf1Ep cell cultures to which the compound solvent was added instead of the tested antibiotic. Susceptibility and recovery assays of the SS14 strain propagated in the presence of subtherapeutic concentration of linezolid (G, H), or absence of antibiotic (I, J). In the bar chart, the middle line represents the median tp0574 gene copies per unit of volume from eight biological replicates, the length of the bar represents the IQR, and the dots represent the individual values. DMSO=dimethyl sulfoxide. MBC=minimum bactericidal concentration. *Secondary MIC: p values (for the Dunn's test) are provided for the comparison between the lowest antibiotic dilution at which the tp0574 qPCR values were significantly lower than the positive control (day 7 control group). †Primary MIC: p values (for the Dunn's test) are provided for the comparison between the lowest antibiotic dilution at which the tp0574 qPCR values were not significantly higher than the inoculum wells (day 0 control group). ‡MBC.