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. 2023 Aug 2;77(11):1534–1543. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad450

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Odds ratios of in-hospital mortality per hour delay in antibiotic administration under the assumption of a linear relationship with log odds, varying the covariates used for confounding adjustment (y axis), maximum time-to-antibiotics (A, B, and C), and stratification of illness severity (symbol and color). 95% Confidence intervals are depicted by horizontal lines, and the x axis is log scaled. Odds ratios greater than 1 indicate increasing mortality associated with later antibiotics. Note that the 3 populations are nonoverlapping. The top row shows the unadjusted analysis, with subsequent rows adding progressively more detailed sets of covariates. For details on confounding adjustment, see Methods.