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. 2023 Nov 19;9(11):e22397. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22397

Table 3.

Nerve conduction study (NCS).

Motor nerve conduction studies
Stimulation Site NR Onset (ms) Normal Onset (ms) O–P* Amp (mV) Normal O–P Amp
Left Peroneal Motor (Ext Dig Brev)
Ankle 6 <4,8 0,2 >3,0
Poplitea 14 0,1
Right Peroneal Motor (Ext Dig Brev)
Ankle 4,3 <4,8 0,3 >3,0
Poplitea 11,4 0,2
Left Tibial Motor (Abd Hall Brev)
Ankle 7,2 <5,0 4 >6,0
Knee 16,6 2,8
Right Tibial Motor (Abd Hall Brev)
Ankle 4,1 <5,0 6,5 >6,0
Knee 12,3 4,6
F Wave Studies
NR F-Latency (ms) Latency Norm (ms) L-R F-Latency (ms) L-R Latency Norm
Left Peroneal (Markers) (EDB)
NR <60 <5,1
Right Peroneal (Markers) (EDB)
NR <60 <5,1
Left Tibial (Markers) (Abd Hallucis)
51,81 <61 12,16 <5,7
Right Tibial (Markers) (Abd Hallucis)
39,65 <61 12,16 <5,7
H Reflex Studies
NR H-Latency (ms) Latency Norm (ms) L-R H-Latency (ms) L-R Latency Norm
Left Tibial (Gastrocnemius)
NR <32 <2,0
Right Tibial (Gastrocnemius)
NR <32 <2,0

NR: no response; ms: mili second; Ext Dig Brev: extensor digiti brevis; Abd Hall Brev: abductor hallucis brevis; Amp: amplitudo; mv: mili volt; R: right; L: left; EDB: extensor digitorum brevis; O–P: onset to peak.