Methods | Individual Randomized Controlled Trial of pregnant women in ANC clinic, Center for Social and Preventive Medicine (CSPM), Pediatrics Hospital, Cairo University, Cairo Egypt |
Participants |
Inclusion: Primigravidae aged between 20 and 30 years in the first trimester (<12 weeks of gestation) of selected ANC clinic, free from history of any chronic medical problems were recruited to participate. Exclusion: Women were not eligible for participation if they were younger than 18 years (to avoid natural linear growth), having a history of previous abortion or stillbirth, presence of any chronic dis‐ease, and taking any type of medications that might interfere with the bodyweight (steroids, diuretics, and thyroid hormones). Social Score [n (%)]—Intervention, Control: Low<8: 1(1.2%), 2(2.5%) Intermediate (8–18): 74(92.5%), 74(92.5%) High (19–28): 5(6.3%), 4(5%) |
Interventions |
Intervention—Dietary counseling (n = 80) Description: The nutrition counselor who was a member of the research team discussed with the participants how to control weight gain during pregnancy and how to maintain or optimize a healthy lifestyle in a period of physical and mental changes. Each counseling session took about 20 min, except for the first session, which took approximately half an hour; the counselor explained the aim of the study and the intervention again. Participants of both groups received information on the recommendations of IOM7 for total GWG. Nutrition counseling messaging: Dietary counseling focused on the main topics considered important in the prevention of EGWG. The following dietary objectives were set for each participant to achieve or to maintain her body weight, having regular meal patterns based on the dietary guidelines for healthy pregnant women with considerations on the importance of dietary elements taken during pregnancy. Aiming to improve dietary practices, on five food groups of the food guide pyramid. Intervention adapted to local context: Not reported Women empowerment approach: Unclear Control (n = 80) Description: Standard care during routine ANC |
Outcomes | Anemia, Gestational weight gain, Mode of delivery, Preterm Birth |
Notes | Funding: None declared. |