Methods | Abstract rural projects of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme in Low‐income settings in Delhi, India |
Participants |
Inclusion criteria: All married women between 15 and 49 years, who are permanent residents of the study area and provide consent to participate and test positive with pregnancy urine test kit (Excel) (whose gestational age is ≤90 days), are eligible to participate in the SCC Trial. Exclusion criteria: We excluded any potential villages if there are any other maternal and or neonatal interventions either by the government or nongovernment organizations in the area. We also excluded villages where access is challenging, for example, in flood‐prone areas. |
Interventions |
Intervention—Nutrition counseling and an unconditional cash transfer Description: (1) nutrition BCC delivered on a specially tailored app on a smart‐phone (audio, video and animation); (2) direct nutrition counseling from a call center; and (3) unconditional cash transfer of 1000 Taka (US$12.50) received monthly via BKash mobile banking app. The study will provide thirty‐six 20‐min fortnightly counseling sessions. Nutrition counseling messaging: The counselors will use a nonjudgmental and empathetic disposition on mother's perceptions. They will try to increase perceived susceptibility to and seriousness of a health condition by sharing information on the consequences of malnutrition on maternal and child health. They will also stimulate positive behavior change by sharing knowledge of positive practices as a cue to action, highlighting motivational factors (sharing efficacy of positive nutrition practices in improving child growth and development) and enabling decision making through enhanced self‐efficacy (empowerment through information sharing). The counselors from Soi Pushti Sheba will use a life‐course approach, from pre‐conception and throughout the first 2 years of the child's life. The counselor will mainly focus on diet and micronutrient during pregnancy, on breastfeeding, and Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (IYCF)Intervention adapted to local context: Not reported. Women empowerment approach: Complete empowerment model Control Description: The control arm will receive a mobile phone and the current government of Bangladesh health and nutrition services. |
Outcomes | difference in women's empowerment scores in the intervention arm as compared with the control arm of the SCC Trial. Secondary study outcomes will include (1) control over income and economic resources, (2) input and decision‐making power in nutrition and healthcare choices, and (3) experience and attitude towards IPV |
Notes | Not reported |