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. 2023 Nov 29;6(11):e2345530. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.45530

Table 1. Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Females With Schizophrenia vs Matched People Without Schizophrenia.

Characteristic No. (%) P valuea Weighted SD
Females with schizophrenia (n = 11 631) Females without schizophrenia (n = 115 959) Total
Completed mammogram within 2 y after 50th birthday 8055 (69.3) 89 405 (77.1) 97 460 (76.4) <.001 0.18
Completed mammogram before 50th birthday 6468 (55.6) 73 328 (63.2) 79 796 (62.5) <.001 0.16
Income quintileb
Missing data 52 (0.4) 306 (0.3) 358 (0.3) NA 0
1 4048 (34.8) 40 441 (34.9) 44 489 (34.9) NA 0
2 2467 (21.2) 24 662 (21.3) 27 129 (21.3) NA 0
3 1998 (17.2) 19 952 (17.2) 21 950 (17.2) NA 0
4 1650 (14.2) 16 442 (14.2) 18 092 (14.2) NA 0
5 1416 (12.2) 14 156 (12.2) 15 572 (12.2) NA 0
Rural residence
Missing data 19 (0.2) 91 (0.1) 110 (0.1) NA 0
Yes 1008 (8.7) 9951 (8.6) 10 959 (8.6) NA 0
No 10 604 (91.2) 105 917 (91.3) 116 521 (91.3) NA 0
Weighted ADG score without ADG 24 or ADG 25c
Mean (SD) 10.8 (10.7) 9.9 (9.7) 10.0 (9.8) NA 0.09
Median (IQR) 8 (3-18) 8 (2-17) 8 (2-17) NA 0.09
≤5 4369 (37.6) 43 627 (37.6) 47 996 (37.6) NA 0
6-9 1885 (16.2) 18 777 (16.2) 20 662 (16.2) NA 0
≥10 5377 (46.2) 53 555 (46.2) 58 932 (46.2) NA 0
Primary care payment models
Unattributable to any payment model 733 (6.3) 8598 (7.4) 9331 (9.5) NA NA
No physician 688 (5.9) 4814 (4.2) 5502 (4.3) <.001 0.08
Non-FHT FHO 2874 (24.7) 30 938 (26.7) 33 812 (26.5) <.001 0.05
Enhanced FFS/FHG 3583 (30.8) 36 269 (31.3) 39 852 (31.2) <.001 0.01
FHT 2880 (24.8) 27 741 (23.9) 30 621 (24.0) 0.02
FFS 873 (7.5) 7599 (6.6) 8472 (6.6) <.001 0.04

Abbreviations: ADG, Aggregated Diagnosis Group; FFS, fee-for-service; FHG, Family Health Group; FHO, Family Health Organization; FHT, Family Health Team; NA, not applicable.


P values were calculated using χ2 tests.


Quintile 1 indicated lowest income and 5 indicated highest income.


The ADG 24 score indicated psychosocial, recurrent or persistent, stable. The ADG 25 score indicated psychosocial, recurrent or persistent, unstable. Both scores are associated with diagnosis of schizophrenia.