Effects of smoke exposure on the pregnant dams. A, Pregnant dams were exposed to either room air or high-THC-containing Cannabis smoke from GD6 to GD20. A series of measurements were taken during this phase. B, C, Cannabis smoke exposure did not affect maternal food intake (B) or weight gain (C). D, Exposure to smoke was associated with a significant decrease in rectal temperature, which was driven by a reduction in temperature post-treatment of the dams treated with high-THC Cannabis smoke. E, Analyses of defecation in the smoke chambers revealed that dams treated with smoke showed increased defecation during the presmoke period for several days following the first smoke exposure. Critically, the groups did not differ before the first smoke administration (GD6). F, Dams exposed to smoke consistently defecated more than air controls after the smoke was administered (postsmoke defecation). Asterisks denote significant changes between treatment groups: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. AC, Air control; CBS, Cannabis smoke. The figure was created with BioRender.com. See Extended Data Table 2-1 for all statistics.