Family | Genus | Virus | Acronym | Genome | Code a | Host b | Sequence accession number(s) |
Alphaflexiviridae | Allexivirus | Shallot virus X | ShVX | ssRNA(+) | PV-0622 | Chenopodium murale | MW854280 |
Alphaflexiviridae | Potexvirus | Lettuce virus X | LeVX | ssRNA(+) | PV-0904 | Nicotiana benthamiana | MW248356 |
Benyviridae | Benyvirus | Beet necrotic yellow vein virus | BNYVV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0467 | Chenopodium quinoa | OK181765-67; M36896 |
Betaflexiviridae | Capillovirus | Apple stem grooving virus | ASGV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0199 | Chenopodium quinoa | MW582790 |
Betaflexiviridae | Carlavirus | Poplar mosaic virus | PopMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0341 | Nicotiana benthamiana | ON924213 |
Betaflexiviridae | Trichovirus | Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus | ACLSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0998 | Chenopodium quinoa | OK340218-19 c |
Betaflexiviridae | Tepovirus | Potato virus T | PVT | ssRNA(+) | PV-1145 | Nicotiana hesperis | MZ405665 |
Bromoviridae | Alfamovirus | Alfalfa mosaic virus | AMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0779 | Nicotiana tabacum “Samsun nn” | MZ405653-55 |
Bromoviridae | Anulavirus | Pelargonium zonate spot virus | PZSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0259 | Nicotiana glutinosa “24A” | ON398493-95 |
Bromoviridae | Bromovirus | Brome mosaic virus | BMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0194 | Hordeum vulgare | MW582787-89 |
Bromoviridae | Cucumovirus | Peanut stunt virus | PSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0190 | Nicotiana benthamiana | MW307259-61 |
Bromoviridae | Ilarvirus | Parietaria mottle virus | PMoV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0400 | Chenopodium quinoa | MZ405646-48 |
Closteroviridae | Closterovirus | Beet yellows virus | BYV | ssRNA(+) | PV-1260 | Beta macrocarpa | MT815988 |
Closteroviridae | Crinivirus | Tomato chlorosis virus | ToCV | ssRNA(+) | PV-1242 | Solanum lycopersicum | ON398512-13 |
Potyviridae | Bymovirus | Barley yellow mosaic virus | BaYMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0634 | Hordeum vulgare | OL311692-93 |
Potyviridae | Ipomovirus | Cucumber vein yellowing virus | CVYV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0776 | Cucumis sativus | OK181771 |
Potyviridae | Potyvirus | Bidens mottle virus | BiMoV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0752 | Nicotiana benthamiana | ON398504 |
Potyviridae | Rymovirus | Agropyron mosaic virus | AgMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0729 | Triticum aestivum | OM471970 |
Potyviridae | Tritimovirus | Brome streak mosaic virus | BrSMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0431 | Hordeum vulgare | OP357935 |
Potyviridae | Unassigned | Spartina mottle virus | SpMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0970 | Spartina sp. | MN788417 |
Secoviridae | Cheravirus | Arracacha virus B | AVB | ssRNA(+) | PV-0082 | Chenopodium murale | MW582785-86 |
Secoviridae | Comovirus | Squash mosaic virus | SqMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0581 | Cucurbita pepo | ON398498-99 |
Secoviridae | Fabavirus | Broad been wilt virus 1 | BBWV-1 | ssRNA(+) | PV-0067 | Chenopodium quinoa | MT663310-11 |
Secoviridae | Nepovirus | Tomato black ring virus | TBRV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0191 | Nicotiana clevelandii | MW057704-05 |
Secoviridae | Sequivirus | Carrot necrotic dieback virus | CNDV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0976 | Nicotiana benthamiana | MW080951 |
Secoviridae | Stralirivirus | Strawberry latent ringspot virus | SLRSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0247 | Chenopodium quinoa | MZ405640-41 |
Solemoviridae | Sobemovirus | Rice yellow mottle virus | RYMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0732 | Oryza sativa | MT701719 |
Solemoviridae | Enamovirus | Pea enation mosaic virus 1 | PEMV1 | ssRNA(+) | PV-0088 | Pisum sativum | MW961146 |
Solemoviridae | Polerovirus | Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus | CABYV | ssRNA(+) | PV-1017 | Physalis floridana | MZ202344 |
Tombusviridae | Alphacarmovirus | Calibrachoa mottle virus | CbMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0611 | Chenopodium quinoa | OK181769 |
Tombusviridae | Alphanecrovirus | Tobacco necrosis virus A | TNV-A | ssRNA(+) | PV-0186 | Chenopodium quinoa | MT675968 |
Tombusviridae | Aureusvirus | Johnsongrass chlorotic stripe mosaic virus | JCSMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0605 | Zea mays | MT682309 |
Tombusviridae | Betacarmovirus | Turnip crinkle virus | TCV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0293 | Nicotiana benthamiana | OK181761 |
Tombusviridae | Betanecrovirus | Beet black scorch virus | BBSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0951 | Chenopodium quinoa | OK058516 |
Tombusviridae | Dianthovirus | Carnation ringspot virus | CRSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0097 | Nicotiana clevelandii | MT682300-01 |
Tombusviridae | Gammacarmovirus | Melon necrotic spot virus | MNSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0378 | Cucumis sativus | ON398496 |
Tombusviridae | Machlomovirus | Maize chlorotic mottle virus | MCMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-1087 | Zea mays | OK181780 |
Tombusviridae | Pelarspovirus | Pelargonium line pattern virus | PLPV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0193 | Chenopodium quinoa | MW854266 |
Tombusviridae | Tombusvirus | Tomato bushy stunt virus | TBSV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0268 | Nicotiana clevelandii | MW582792 |
Tombusviridae | Umbravirus | Carrot mottle virus | CMoV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0968 | Nicotiana benthamiana | OK058520 |
Tombusviridae | Umbravirus | Pea enation mosaic virus 2 | PEMV2 | ssRNA(+) | PV-0088 | Pisum sativum | MW961147; MW961148 c |
Tospoviridae | Orthotospovirus | Impatiens necrotic spot virus | INSV | ssRNA(+/-) | PV-0280 | Nicotiana benthamiana | MW582795-97 |
Tymoviridae | Tymovirus | Turnip yellow mosaic virus | TYMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0299 | Brassica rapa | ON924209 |
Virgaviridae | Furovirus | Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus | SBWMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0748 | Triticum aestivum | MZ405651-52 |
Virgaviridae | Hordeivirus | Barley stripe mosaic virus | BSMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0330 | Hordeum vulgare | ON924210-12 |
Virgaviridae | Pecluvirus | Peanut clump virus | PCV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0291 | Nicotiana benthamiana | MW961156-57 |
Virgaviridae | Pomovirus | Potato mop-top virus | PMTV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0582 | Nicotiana benthamiana | ON398500-02 |
Virgaviridae | Tobamovirus | Paprika mild mottle virus | PaMMV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0606 | Nicotiana benthamiana | OK181768 |
Virgaviridae | Tobravirus | Pea early-browning virus | PEBV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0298 | Chenopodium quinoa | MW854268-69 |
Not assigned | Idaeovirus | Raspberry bushy dwarf virus | RBDV | ssRNA(+) | PV-0053 | Chenopodium quinoa | MW582777-78 |
Rhabdoviridae | Cytorhabdovirus | Lettuce necrotic yellows virus | LNYV | ssRNA(−) | PV-0085 | Nicotiana glutinosa “24A” | MZ202327 |
Rhabdoviridae | Varicosavirus | Beet oak leaf virus | BOLV | ssRNA(−) | PV-1034 | Spinacia oleracea | OQ975887-88 |
Rhabdoviridae | Alphanucleorhabdovirus | Physostegia chlorotic mottle virus | PhCMoV | ssRNA(−) | PV-1182 | Nicotiana occidentalis “37B” | KX636164 |
Rhabdoviridae | Betanucleorhabdovirus | Sonchus yellow net virus | SYNV | ssRNA(−) | PV-0052 | Nicotiana clevelandii | MT613317 |
Aspiviridae | Ophiovirus | Lettuce ring necrosis virus | LRNV | ssRNA(−) | PV-0983 | Nicotiana occidentalis “P1” | ON398506-09 |
Partitiviridae | Alphacryptovirus | Poinsettia latent virus | PnLV | dsRNA | PV-0629 | Euphorbia pulcherrima | ON398503 |
Caulimoviridae | Badnavirus | Banana streak OL virus | BSOLV | dsDNA-RT | PV-0492 | Musa sp. | OQ102041 |
Caulimoviridae | Caulimovirus | Cauliflower mosaic virus | CaMV | dsDNA-RT | PV-0229 | Brassica rapa | OP947586 |
Geminiviridae | Begomovirus | Squash leaf curl virus | SLCV | ssDNA | PV-1299 | Cucurbita pepo | MW582809-10 |
Geminiviridae | Mastrevirus | Maize streak virus | MSV | ssDNA | PV-1103 | Zea mays | OQ102042-44 |
Nanoviridae | Babuvirus | Banana bunchy top virus | BBTV | ssDNA | PV-1166 | Musa sp. | OQ102052-57 |
DSMZ catalog code.
Host in which the virus isolate was propagated and lyophilized.
Several variants are present in the propagated sample and accession numbers for the variants are provided.
The taxonomic status of the various viruses is indicated, together with their DSMZ catalog code, their propagation host, and the GenBank accession number(s) of their genomic sequence(s).