Figure 3.
Comparison between the men’s and women’s networks. (A) Men’s network of social support, loneliness, and depressive symptoms; (B) women’s network of social support, loneliness, and depressive symptoms. To facilitate visual comparison, the same layout with the network in full sample was used to plot the networks and a higher threshold for weak edges (0.05) was used for men’s network. (C) Comparison of centrality indices for the nodes; (D) comparison of bridge centrality indices for the nodes. PHQ1: anhedonia; PHQ2: depressed mood; PHQ3: sleep disturbance; PHQ4: low energy; PHQ5: appetitive disturbance; PHQ6: negative self-appraisal; PHQ7: concentration difficulties; PHQ8: psychomotor disturbance; PHQ9: suicide/self-harm; OSSS1: number of close confidants; OSSS2: number of close confidants: concern from others; OSSS3: accessible practical help from neighbours. EI, expected influence; OSSS, Oslo Social Support Scale; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire.