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. 2023 Nov 30;13:19870. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-46741-5

Table 5.

Mixed-effects regression models of stimulus level effect as a function of tinnitus status and EHFs on MEMR variables.

Predictors At highest magnitude At highest gain At lowest threshold
Est CI p Est CI p Est CI p
MEMR thresholds
 (Intercept) 80.214 75.653 to 84.775  < 0.001 70.625 65.615 to 75.636  < 0.001 60.767 53.320 to 65.215  < 0.001
 Standard − 0.615 − 1.348 to 0.117 0.099 0.633 − 0.152 to 1.417 0.113 0.587 − 0.128 to 1.302 0.106
 EHFs − 0.012 − 0.227 to 0.203 0.914 0.015 − 0.224 to 0.255 0.899 0.105 − 0.104 to 0.315 0.322
 Chronic 6.501 1.178 to 11.824 0.017 7.567 1.538 to 13.597 0.014 4.494 − 0.692 to 9.679 0.089
 Random effects
  σ2 89.17 51.78 88.20
  τ 8.17ID 56.16ID 5.31ID
 ICC 0.08 0.52 0.06
 N 71ID 71ID 71ID
 Observations 104 104 104
 Marginal R2 0.074 0.122 0.107
 Conditional R2 0.151 0.579 0.158
Predictors 500–2000 Hz window 500–5000 Hz window
Est. CI p Est. CI p
MEMR thresholds
 (Intercept) 77.439 72.624 to 82.253 <0.001 73.269 69.234 to 77.305 <0.001
 Standard 0.033 − 0.726 to 0.792 0.932 0.152 − 0.487 to 0.791 0.638
 EHFs − 0.065 − 0.294 to 0.165 0.576 0.074 − 0.118 to 0.266 0.446
 Chronic 8.651 2.921 to 14.382 0.003 6.642 1.871 to 11.412 0.007
 Random effects
  σ2 57.50 43.53
  τ 42.49ID 24.44ID
  ICC 0.42 0.34
  N 71ID 71ID
 Observations 104 104
 Marginal R2 0.095 0.117
 Conditional R2 0.480 0.421
Predictors At highest magnitude At highest gain At lowest threshold
Est. CI p Est. CI p Est. CI p
MEMR strength
 (Intercept) 24.685 12.644 to 36.727 < 0.001 61.235 43.454 to 79.017 < 0.001 34.880 21.001 to 48.759 < 0.001
 Standard 0.797 − 1.096 to 2.689 0.406 1.064 − 1.736 to 3.863 0.453 0.508 − 1.694 to 2.711 0.648
 EHFs − 0.071 − 0.646 to 0.503 0.806 − 0.316 − 1.164 to 0.532 0.461 − 0.052 − 0.712 to 0.608 0.875
 Chronic − 15.181 − 29.583 to − 0.780 0.039 − 17.001 − 38.215 to 4.213 0.115 − 17.021 − 33.398 to − 0.645 0.042
 Random effects
  σ2 329.96 751.79 576.10
  τ 293.68ID 609.79ID 267.49ID
  ICC 0.47 0.45 0.32
 N 71ID 71ID 71ID
 Observations 104 104 104
 Marginal R2 0.055 0.042 0.049
 Conditional R2 0.500 0.471 0.350
Predictors 500–2000 Hz window 500–5000 Hz window
Est. CI p Est. CI p
MEMR strength
 (Intercept) 12.983 8.767 to 17.199 < 0.001 119.275 85.23 to 153.32 < 0.001
 Standard 0.278 − 0.387 to 0.944 0.409 3.175 − 2.120 to 8.470 0.237
 EHFs − 0.121 − 0.322 to 0.080 0.235 − 1.120 − 2.746 to 0.507 0.175
 Chronic − 3.825 − 8.832 to 1.182 0.133 − 37.812 − 79.234 to 3.609 0.073
 Random effects
  σ2 46.07 2054.45
  τ 30.80ID 2956.94ID
  ICC 0.40 0.59
  N 71ID 71ID
 Observations 104 104
 Marginal R2 0.051 0.072
 Conditional R2 0.431 0.619

Adj. adjusted, Chronic chronic tinnitus group, CI confidence interval, EHFs thresholds at extended high frequencies, Est. estimates, Standard thresholds at standard audiometric frequencies.

Significant values are in bold.