Figure 3.
No significant difference in motor performance between ADBS-200 and ADBS-400 conditions. (A) Movement trajectories colour-coded by the instantaneous velocities of the reaching movement under ADBS-200 (top) and ADBS-400 (bottom) conditions. The velocities were normalized to the individual maximum of each patient. White and red filled circles at the bottom and top indicate the start and target buttons, respectively. (B) Reaction time during the reaching movement under different stimulation conditions.
(C and D) Mean velocities during the reaching movement under different stimulation conditions, while C and D represent the reach and return periods, respectively. (E) Normalized root-mean-square acceleration and (F) blinded video ratings recorded by two experts during finger-tapping movement under different stimulation conditions. (G) Average power in tremor frequency band during rest under different stimulation conditions. The error bar plots show the mean and SEM across all tested hemispheres under different conditions. P-values were quantified using generalized linear mixed effect modelling on an individual trial (B, C, D and G) or block (E and F) basis. ADBS = adaptive deep brain stimulation; n.s. = not significant.