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[Preprint]. 2024 Mar 19:2023.11.20.567870. Originally published 2023 Nov 21. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.11.20.567870

Table 2: Acceleration ratio in each non-targeted axes to the acceleration of target direction, highlighting the relative distribution of vibrational energy across all axes.

The bioreactor was subjected to vibration of 0.7g peak-to-peak limited to frequencies between 80 Hz and 150 Hz due to system constraints.

Frequency (Hz) X/Y Z/Y
80 0.06 0.09
85 0.06 0.09
90 0.06 0.09
95 0.055 0.09
110 0.07 0.09
130 0.09 0.09
150 0.06 0.10

Abbreviations: LIV means low intensity vibration, MSCs means Mesenchymal Stem Cells