A. Wavemaker-generated Col1a2 GC clamped melting profile. The bold lines under the base pair axis indicate the extent of the primer sequences.
B. The predicted melting behavior of Col1a2 amplicons at 57°C, 58°C, and 59°C.
C. Resolution of Col1a2 heterozygotes from homozygotes. A Col1a2oim/+ heterozygote is separated from either wild type or oim/oim homozygotes. A denatured and slowly reannealed mixture of the wild type and oim/oim PCR products produces an elution profile identical to that of the oim/+ heterozygote.
D. Inability to resolve +/+ homozygotes from oim/oim homozygotes. Both homozygotes and an unheated mixture of oim/oim and +/+ PCR products result in single elution peaks. However, heating the mixture to denature the DNA and allowing it to reanneal slowly allows heteroduplex formation and results in the appearance of a second elution peak, as for oim/+ heterozygotes.