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. 2023 Oct 19;12(11):e230117. doi: 10.57264/cer-2023-0117

Table 2. . randomized phase 3 trials with adalimumab biosimilars, in which their clinical activity was compared with originator adalimumab (Humira®).

Author Investigated biosimilar Study design Patients n Duration, weeks Primary end point Primary end point relative to Humira® Ref.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Cohen et al. 2017 ABP 501 (Amjevita®/ Amgevita®) R, DB, P Moderate to severe active RA on MTX 526 24 ACR20 at week 24 RR 1.039 (90% CI 0.954, 1.133) [37]
Fleischmann et al. 2018 PF-06410293 (Amsparity®) R, DB, P Active RA on MTX 597 78 ACR20 at week 12 Adjusted difference -2.98% (95% CI -10.38, 4.44; 90% CI -9.25, 3.28) [39]
Weinblatt et al. 2018 SB5 (Imraldi®/ Hadlima®) R, DB, P Moderate to severe active RA on MTX 544 52 ACR20 at week 24 Adjusted difference 0.1% (95% CI -7.83, 8.13), in PPS (n = 476) [46]
Genovese et al. 2019 FKB327 (Hulio®) R, DB, P Active RA on MTX 728 24–54 ACR20 at week 24 Adjusted difference -1.6% (95% CI -7.9, 4.7; 90% CI -7.3, 3.6), in FAS (n = 721) [40]
Kay et al. 2021 CT-P17 (Yuflyma®) R, DB, P Active RA on MTX 648 24–52 ACR20 at week 24 Adjusted difference 0% (95% CI -5.94, 5.94) [42]
Plaque psoriasis
Papp et al. 2017 ABP 501 (Amjevita®/ Amgevita®) R, DB, P Moderate to severe psoriasis (PASI ≥12), not responsive to or tolerant of conventional systemic therapy 350 16–52 % change from baseline PASI score at week 16 LSM difference -2.18% (95% CI -7.39, 3.02) [44]
Blauvelt et al. 2018 GP2017 (Hyrimoz®) R, DB, P Moderate to severe psoriasis (PASI ≥12), previously treated with phototherapy or conventional systemic therapy 465 51 PASI75 at week 16 Adjusted difference 1.8% (95% CI -7.46, 11.15) in PPS (n = 393) [36]
Hercogová et al. 2020 MSB11022 (Idacio®) R, DB, P Moderate to severe psoriasis (PASI ≥12), previously treated with phototherapy or conventional systemic therapy 443 52 PASI75 at week 16 Difference –1.9% (95% CI -7.82, 4.07) in PPS (n = 394) [41]
Feldman et al. 2021 AVT02 (Hukyndra®) R, DB, P Moderate to severe psoriasis (PASI ≥12), not responsive to or tolerant of ≥1 non-biologic systemic therapy 413 52 % change from baseline PASI score at week 16 LSM difference 2.3% (95% CI -1.34, 5.88; 90% CI -0.76, 5.29) in FAS (n = 412) [38]

Crude difference in proportions calculated from data reported in the paper, namely ACR20 response rate of 74.1% with FKB327 and 75.7% with adalimumab.

Crude difference in proportions calculated from data reported in the paper, namely ACR20 response rate of 82.7% in each group.

ACR20: Proportion of patients achieving a 20% improvement in American College of Rheumatology criteria; CI: Confidence interval; DB: Double-blind; FAS: Full analysis set; LSM: Least squares mean; MTX: Methotrexate; P: Parallel; PASI: Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; PPS: Per protocol set; R: Randomized; RA: Rheumatoid arthritis; RR: Risk ratio.