UMAP plot color‐coded for the expression of Procr.
Representative flow cytometry plots of BM cells isolated from mice treated with PBS control or LPS for 4 h. The x‐axes indicate CD201 expression. Numbers show percentage of CD201+ HSCs.
Quantification of panel b. The y‐axis indicates percentage of CD201+ HSCs in BM.
Absolute number of CD201+ HSCs in BM isolated from mice treated with PBS control or LPS for 4 h. The x‐axis indicates absolute number.
Representative flow cytometry plots indicating CD201 expression in HSCs isolated from WT and Cebpb KO mice treated with PBS or LPS as indicated for 4 h. Numbers indicate percentage of CD201+ HSCs.
F, G
Quantification of panel (E). Percentage of CD201+ HSCs (F) and CD201 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) (G). X‐axes indicate fold change relative to PBS control mice (dashed lines).
Representative flow cytometry plots indicating CD201 expression in HSCs isolated from WT and MyD88 KO mice treated with PBS or LPS as indicated for 4 h. Numbers indicate percentage of CD201+ HSCs.
I, J
Quantification of panel (H). Percentage of CD201+ HSC (I) and CD201 MFI (J) in WT (gray columns) and MyD88 KO (pink column) mice treated with LPS for 4 h.
Quantification of MPP4 (K), MPP3 (L) and MPP2 (M) populations in WT (gray columns) and MyD88 KO (pink column) mice treated with LPS for 4 h. X‐axes indicate the fold change to PBS control.
Data information: Dashed lines indicate PBS levels. In this figure, data represent mean ± SD from at least two independent experiments. At least four animals were included in each group. Two‐tailed Student's t‐test was used to assess statistical significance (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001, ns, not significant).
Source data are available online for this figure.