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. 2023 Nov 16;14:1275094. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1275094

Table 2.

Topics and proposed life skills of reviewed studies.

Topic N (%) Proposed life skills (N*)
Developmental vulnerabilities (mental health issues/physical, developmental, and intellectual disabilities) 24 (28.92) Communication (6), budgeting/finances (5), emotional regulation (5), problem-solving (5), social skills (5), managing transportation/public transport (4), decision-making (3), motivation (3) self-advocacy (3), (self-) confidence (3), time management/calendaring (3), coping skills (2), interpersonal relationship skills (2), goal-setting (2), independence (2), adaptive behavior, assertiveness, awareness of accessibility policies, choosing age-appropriate clothing, cooking, creative and critical thinking, daily living skills, disclosure, empathy, executive functioning skills, externalizing, future planning, housing, internalizing, intrapersonal development, managing contraception, mobility, personal hygiene, resilience, self-actualization, self-care, self-determination, self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-expectations, self-management
Sexual behavior (including prevention and treatment of STIs and LGBTQ+ needs) 17 (20.48) Communication (3), self-esteem (3), coping, knowledge of safe sexual practices, self-efficacy, self-concept, stress management, social support management, transgender-related stress and stigma awareness
contextual vulnerabilities (Foster care/homelessness) 14 (16.87) Budgeting/finances (13), cooking/food preparation (6), find/manage housing (6), independence (4), planning education/study (4), social/family relationship management (4), decision-making (3), job search and maintenance (3), set and pursue goals (3), career planning (2), communication (2), accepting consequences and criticism, daily living, driving, following instructions, honesty, interview skills, looking forward, manage emotions, medication management, mental and physical health management, paying taxes, peer pressure resistance, permanency, personal care, refraining from illegal substances, resume writing, safe sex awareness, self-care, self-control, self-advocacy, taking responsibility, understanding trauma
University students (diverse topics) 5 (6.02) Decision-making (2), problem-solving (2), autonomy, balancing work and well-being, critical thinking, creativity, emotional regulation, financial planning, health maintenance, human relationships, identity development/purpose in life, real estate planning
Substance abuse reduction and prevention 4 (4.82) Assertiveness (3), decision-making (2), stress management (2), anger management, communication, coping skills, goal-setting, problem-solving, refusal skills
Developing world, poverty 3 (3.61) Communication (2), coping with emotions (2), coping with stress (2), critical thinking (2), problem-solving (2), awareness, assertiveness, creativity, decision-making, emotional awareness, empathy, goal-setting, interpersonal skills, self-regulation
Survivor of life threatening disease 3 (3.61) Communication (2), independence (2), collaborative skills, community living skills, conflict management, motor skills, personal living skills, self-management, self-perception, social interaction
Young offenders, prison experience 3 (3.61) Anger management, communication, coping, decision-making, emotion regulation, problem-solving, vigilance, self-awareness, stress management
Employability 2 (2.41) Applied mathematics, cognitive skills, communication, critical thinking, future vision, information reading, interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, self-efficacy, self-management self-reflection, social skills
Sports 2 (2.41) Cooperation, mental toughness, self-discipline, self-realization
Ethnic minorities 2 (2.41) Assertiveness, budgeting, cooking, child caretaking, creativity, household, openness, patience, persistence, pro-activity, self-confidence
Miscellaneous 4 (4.82) Self-esteem (2), leadership ability (2), autonomy, communication, conflict resolution, coping, comfortable with self, empathy, financial maintenance, health maintenance, household maintenance, independent living, interpersonal manners, intimacy, knowledge summarization, maintaining a job, needs provision, planning, positive thinking, problem-solving, psychosocial well-being, relationships satisfaction, resilience, risk behavior avoidance, self-competence, work skills

*Only indicated if N > 1.