Electrocardiogram Findings Suggestive of Ischemia
STEMI equivalents | |
Posterior STEMI |
Left bundle branch block or ventricular paced rhythm with Sgarbossa Criteria | A total score ≥3 points is required:
Left bundle branch block or ventricular paced rhythm with Smith-modified Sgarbossa Criteria | Positive if any of the following are present:
De Winter Sign |
Hyperacute T waves | Broad, asymmetric, peaked T waves may be seen early in STEMI Serial ECGs over very short intervals are useful to assess for progression to STEMI |
ECG findings consistent with acute/subacute myocardial ischemia | |
aVR ST-segment elevation | Most often caused by diffuse subendocardial ischemia and usually occurs in the setting of significant left main coronary artery or multivessel coronary artery disease
ST-segment depression | Horizontal or downsloping ST-segment depression ≥0.5 mm at the J-point in 2 or more contiguous leads is suggestive of myocardial ischemia |
Wellen’s syndrome | Clinical syndrome characterized by:
Inverted T waves | May be seen in ischemia (subacute) or infarction (may be fixed and associated with Q waves) in continuous leads |
V7 placed at left posterior axillary line in same plane as V6; V8 placed at the tip of the left scapula; V9 placed in the left paraspinal region in the same plane as V6. aVR = augmented vector right; ECG = electrocardiogram; STEMI = ST-elevation myocardial infarction.