Figure 4.
Correlation patterns of genes between the comparisons ‘ACD patients in TP1 versus TP2’ to (i) ‘MCI versus healthy controls’, and (ii) ‘AD versus healthy controls’. (A) Dots indicate log2FC values for genes shared between the comparisons; blue dots are DEGs with significant FDR < 0.05. (B) FDR DEGsMCI; (C) FDR DEGsAD. For (B) and (C): only top DEG names are displayed (yellow points); these top elements were identified by first selecting the best 50 FDR values and top 50 higher |log2FC| from each comparison separately; next selecting the shared elements between the two comparisons. For the top DEGs we also show boxplots of (normalized) expression. Spearman correlation values and the number of genes plotted in each quadrant are indicated. For all the correlation values, P-value < 2.2 × 10–16. MCI Mild cognitive impairment; AD Alzheimer’s disease; HC Healthy controls; ACD Age-related cognitive disorder.