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. 2023 Oct 14;3(4):100281. doi: 10.1016/j.xagr.2023.100281


Case reports of peripartum cervical artery disease

Study ID, Case# Maternal age Timing Hypertension Comorbidities Headache Neck Pain Diagnosis, outcome
Kelly et al,7 2014, 1 39 Postpartum, 11 d Absent None Present Present ICAD and VAD, recovery
Kelly et al,7 2014, 2 29 Postpartum, 53 d Present Migraines Present Present ICAD and VAD, recovery
Kelly et al,7 2014, 3 32 Postpartum, 0 d Absent Migraines Present Present ICAD and stroke, residual weakness
Kelly et al,7 2014, 4 39 Postpartum, 24 d Present Hypertension, hyperlipidemia Present Present VAD, recovery
Kelly et al,7 2014, 5 28 Postpartum, 4 d Present None Present Present ICAD and subarachnoid hemorrhage, recovery
Finley et al,8 2015 35 Postpartum, 3 wk Present Migraines, smoking history Present Not specified VAD, stroke, minor deficits
Drazin et al,20 2012 37 Postpartum, 1 h Present Migraine Present Present VAD, recovery
Shanmugalingam et al,10 2016 32 Intrapartum, delivery 2/2 eclampsia Present Undiagnosed SLE Present Present VAD, recovery
Shanmugalingam et al,10 2016 33 Antepartum, admit for preeclampsia Present None Present Present VAD, recovery
Shanmugalingam et al,10 2016 30 Postpartum, 6 d Present Obesity Present Not specified VAD, recovery
Shanmugalingam et al,10 2016 30 Postpartum, <24 h Present None Not specified Present Vertebral thrombus, recovery
Brantley et al,11 2012 32 Postpartum, 13 d Present Thyroid cancer Not specified Present VAD, dissecting to left anterior descending coronary artery, CABG, recovery
Cenkowski et al,17 2012 35 Postpartum, 8 mo Absent CAD one month before Not specified Not specified VAD, recovery
Manasewitsch et al,9 2020 31 Postpartum, 10 d Present Smoking Present Not specified VAD, stroke, recovery
Arnold et al,18 2008, 1 41 Postpartum, 18 d Not specified Migraine Present Present VAD, TIA
Arnold et al,18 2008, 2 35 Postpartum, 5 d Present Migraines, smoking Present Not specified ICAD, VAD, stroke
Arnold et al,18 2008, 3 38 Postpartum, 8 d Present Migraines Present Not specified ICAD, SAH
Arnold et al,18 2008, 4 27 Postpartum, 11 d Not specified Migraines Present Present VAD, RPLS
Arnold et al,18 2008, 5 38 Postpartum, 7 d Present Migraines Present Not specified VAD, SAH, RPLS
Arnold et al,18 2008, 6 34 Postpartum, 7 d Not specified Chiropractic manipulation Preset Present VAD
Nishimura et al,21 2015 35 Postpartum, 5 d Present None Present Present VAD, seizure, recovery
Tuluc et al,16 2006 39 Antepartum, unresponsive Unknown, presumed None Present Not specified VAD, SAH, death
McKinney et al,6 2010 41 Postpartum, 5 d present None Present Not specified Basilar artery dissection, seizure, significant motor and neurologic deficit
Morton,14 2012 31 Antepartum, 16 wk Present SLE, chiropractic manipulation Not specified Present ICAD, persistent Horner syndrome
Mas et al,19 1987, 1 32 Antepartum Present None Present Present VAD, Wallenberg syndrome, recovery
Mas et al,19 1987, 2 27 Postpartum, 2 wk Not specified Chiropractic manipulation Not specified Present VAD, TIA, recovery
Baffour et al,13 2012 34 Postpartum, 14 d Present None Present Present ICAD, stroke, recovery
Mohammed et al,12 2014 31 Antepartum, 11 wk Not specified None Present Present ICAD, persistent Horner syndrome
Borelli et al,22 2012 32 Postpartum, 10 d Present HELLP Present Not specified VAD, stroke

CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery; CAD, coronary artery disease; HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets; ICAD, internal carotid artery dissection; RPLS, reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; TIA, transient ischemic attack; VAD, vertebral artery dissection.

Rosalik. Vertebral artery dissection and pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol Glob Rep 2023.