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. 2023 Nov 25;2023:8173543. doi: 10.1155/2023/8173543

Table 1.

List of plants identified and reported to be used to treat diarrhea in the study area.

Family Scientific name Local name (Amh) Plant parts used Route of administration Plant condition Mode of preparation References
Acanthaceae, just to have the column homogenized Justicia schimperiana (Hochst. ex Nees) T.Anders Smiza/Sensel L Oral Dry Smash, mix with water then drink the juice [20]

Aloaceae Aloe spp. Eret R Oral Fresh Cutting is done to harvest the jelly juice [21]

Apiaceae Heteromorpha arborescens (Spreng). Cham. and Schitdi. Yejib mirkuz L Oral Fresh Crush [22]

Asteraceae Vernonia adoensis Sch.Bip.exWalp Etse mossie/mererug R Oral Dry Crashing the root and drinking the decoction [23]
Artemisia abyssinica Chikugn R and L Oral Dry Crush and mix with water, then drink [24]
Artemisia abyssinica Chikugn L Oral Dry The dried leaf is ground, mixed with water, and drunk [25]
Artemisia abyssinica Chikugn R and L Oral Fresh The fresh root and leaves are crushed, mixed with water, and then drunk [26]
Solanecio gigas (Vatke) C. jeffrey yeshikoko gomen L Oral Fresh Crush [22]

Boraginaceae Cordia africana Wanza Rb Oral Dry Taking the maceration orally once daily until healed [27]

Brassicaceae Lepidium sativum L. Feto S Oral Dry Seeds are ground into a paste-like food and then eaten or mixed with butter and water and then drunk [28]
Lepidium sativum L. Feto S Oral Dry The dry seeds are pounded, powdered, and mixed with water, and the solution has to be taken orally [29]
Lepidium sativum L. Feto S Oral Dry The seeds are crushed and mixed with milk, and then, the mixture is drunk [26]
Lepidium sativum L. Feto S Oral Dry The dry seeds are pounded, powdered, and mixed with water, and the solution is taken orally [30]

Caricaceae Carica papaya L. Papaya S Oral Fresh Ingest a few seeds with “Injera” for three days [28]
Carissa spinarum L. Agam R Oral Dry The dry root is pounded, powdered, salt is added, and it is made into a solution and drunk [29]
Carissa spinarum L. Agam L Oral Dry The leaf is powdered, mixed with Coffea arabica L., and drunk [26]
Carissa spinarum L. Agam R Oral Dry The dry root is pounded, powdered, salt is added, and it is made into a solution, which is then drunk [30]

Combretaceae Anogeissus leiocarpa (A. Rich) Guill. and Perr Kekera Sb Oral Drinking the stem bark decoction [23]

Cucurbitaceae Cucumis ficifolius Yemidir embuay R Oral Fresh The root is crushed and mixed with water before being allowed to drink [31]
Zehneria scabra (Linn. f.) Sond Hareg eresa L Oral Dry Crush, chew, and then swallow juice [20]
Momordica foetida Schumach Yekura hareg/Kuramechat L Oral Fresh Pound, squeeze, and then drink [20]
Cucumis ficifolius Yemidir embuay R Oral Fresh The crushed fruits are mixed with water, and then about one liter is drunk [32]
Zehneria scabra (Linn. f.) Sond Hareg eresa L Oral Dry Leaves are crushed and mixed with some fresh water, and then one cup of it is drunk [33]

Euphorbiaceae Clutia lanceolata Forssk Fiyele fej R Dermal Dry It is crushed and then tied on the neck region [20]
Croton macrostachyus De Bisana L Oral Dry Leaf powder mixed with water is taken orally [34]
Clutia abyssinica Jaub. and spach Fiyele fej L Oral Fresh Crush [22]

Fabaceae Acacia etbaica Schweinf Girar R Oral Dry One cup of powdered dried root with water is taken [31]
Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) Yeferenj digita S Oral Dry/fresh The seed is crushed and roasted, and then it is drunk with coffee [31]
Calpurnia aurea (Ait). Benth Digita L Oral Fresh Fresh leaf soaked in water is given orally [35]
Calpurnia aurea (Ait). Benth Digita S Oral Dry Grind and eat after pounding with honey [20]
Calpurnia aurea (Ait). Benth Digita L Oral Fresh The fresh leaf is crushed, soaked in water for 2-3 hours, and decanted, and one glass is administered orally [29]
Calpurnia aurea (Ait). Benth Digita L Oral Fresh The fresh leaf is crushed, soaked in water for 2-3 hours, and decanted, and one glass is administered orally [36]
Acacia abyssinica Girar R Oral Dry The dried root is powdered and mixed with water, and one cup is drunk [32]
Calpurnia aurea (Ait). Benth Digita Fr Oral Dry One dried and powdered pod of fruits is mixed with honey and taken before breakfast until you get relief [32]
Calpurnia aurea (Ait). Benth Digita L Oral Fresh The fresh leaf is crushed, soaked in water for 2-3 hours, and decanted, and then one glass is administered orally [30]
Calpurnia aurea (Ait). Benth Digita L Oral Fresh Crush and boil [22]

Lamiaceae Leonotis ocymifolia Yeferes zeng L and Fr Oral Dry Powder of dried fruit and leaf is mixed with honey and then given [28]
Leonotis ocymifolia Yeferes zeng L and Fr Oral Dry Dried leaf and fruit powder mixed with honey is given orally [35]
Ocimum lamiifolium L. Damakesi L Oral Fresh Fresh leaf is boiled with tea and one cup of tea is drunk [29]
Leonotis ocymifolia Feres zeng L and Fr Oral Dry The dried leaf and fruits are crushed, powdered, and mixed with honey, and one glass is taken orally [36]
Mentha piperita L. Nana L and S Oral Dry Pound after mixing it with Nigella sativa and A. sativum [21]
Mentha piperita L. Nana L Oral Fresh Pound the leaf, mix it with A. sativum and R. chalepensis, and then drink the mixture [25]
Plectranthus lactiflorus (Vatke) Agnew Dibrk L Oral Dry The roots and leaves of P. lactiflorus are mixed with water, and the filtrate is drunk [26]
Ocimum lamiifolium L. Damakesi L Oral Fresh The fresh leaves are boiled with tea, and then one cup of the mixture is drunk [30]
Salvia nilotica Jacq Hulegeb R Oral Fresh Crush [22]
Satureja punctata R.Br Etse-meaza/lomi kesie R Oral Fresh Use the unprocessed plant [22]

Linaceae Linum usitatissimum L Telba S Oral Dry The powder is boiled, and then it is drunk like soup [24]
Linum usitatissimum L Telba S Oral Dry Powder [22]

Malvaceae Gossypium barbadense L Tite L Oral Dry Powdered and mixed with water [37]
Malva parviflora L. Zebenya L Oral Fresh Pound [21]

Menispermaceae Stephania abyssinica (Dillon and A. Rich.) Walp Yedimet Ain R Oral Dry Chewing [38]

Moraceae Ficus vasta Forssk Warka S Oral Bark Dried stem bark powder with salt is given orally for cattle [35]
Ficus thonningii Blume Chibha R Oral Dry The root is chewed [34]
Ficus vasta Forssk Warka Sb Oral Dry The bark is crushed, powdered, mixed with salt, and given to eat [36]

Myrtaceae Syzygium guineense [willd.] DC Dokima Sb/Rb Oral Dry Mix the powder with honey/water and then drinking [23]
Myrtus communis L. Ades L Oral Fresh The juice of the leaf is taken orally in the morning [34]

Poaceae Hordeum vulgare L. Gebis S Oral Dry Seeds are immersed in water and allowed to germinate before being dried, roasted, and pulverized. The powder is then heated in water and drunk till the pain subsides [31]
Hordeum vulgare L. Tikur gebis S Oral Dry The seeds are soaked in water and made to germinate, dried, roasted, and powdered. Then the powder is boiled in water and drunk until relief is obtained [32]
Eragrostis tef. (Zucc.)Trotter Nech teff S Oral Dry The floor porridge is eaten three times [33]
Sorghum bicolor (Moench) Zengada S Oral Dry Powder [22]

Polygonaceae Rumex nepalensis Spreng Yewusha milas R Oral Dry Crushing [38]
Rumex abyssinicus Mekimeko R Oral Dry Orally take maceration once daily until the healing process is complete [27]

Punicaceae Punica granatum Roman Fb Oral Fresh The flesh of the fruit bark is eaten continuously against heavy diarrhea [32]

Rhamnaceae Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf Geba Sb Oral Fresh Use the unprocessed plant [22]

Rosaceae Prunus persica (L.) Batsch Kega L Oral Dry Crush, immerse in water then give [20]

Rubiaceae Coffea arabica L. Buna S Oral Dry The powder is mixed with honey and eaten [31]
Coffea arabica L. Buna Fr Oral Dry Grind and eat with honey [20]
Coffea arabica L. Buna S Oral Dry The dry seed is roasted, powdered, mixed with honey, and one or two spoons are taken in the morning for three days [29]
Coffea arabica L. Buna S Oral Dry Roast the powder and take it with honey on an empty stomach [39]
Coffea arabica L. Buna S Oral Dry The dry seed is roasted, powdered, mixed with honey, and one or two spoons are taken in the morning for three days [30]

Rutaceae Ruta chalepensis L Tena Adam L Oral Fresh The fresh leaf, together with salt (concoction), is chewed [29]
Ruta chalepensis L Tena Adam S Oral Dry The pounded seed will be mixed with coffee, then drunk [24]
Ruta chalepensis L. Tena Adam L Oral Fresh Chewing the fresh leaf together with salt (concoction) [30]

Scrophulariaceae Verbascum sinaiticum Benth qetetina/Daba Keded R Oral Dry Crush and drink with water [20]
Verbascum sinaiticum Benth qetetina/Daba Keded R, L, and S Oral Dry Crushing [38]
Verbascum sinaiticum Benth qetetina/Daba Keded R Oral Fresh The juice of the root is taken orally [34]

Solanaceae Solanum nigrum L. Awut L Oral Dry Leaves are crushed and chewed, and then the juice is swallowed [20]
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Giziewa L Oral Fresh/Dry Squeezing, crushing [29, 38]
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Giziewa L Oral Dried or fresh Mix the powder of 3 leaves with water and drink [40]
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Giziewa L Oral Fresh The fresh leaves are crushed, squeezed, mixed with water, and then drunk [30]

Verbenaceae Verbena officinalis-L Atuch R Oral Fresh Sap of the fresh root is chewed and swallowed for three days [28]
Verbena officinalis-L Atuch L Oral Fresh The fresh leaves are crushed, mixed with water, and given orally [29]
Verbena officinalis-L Atuch R & S Oral Fresh Pound the leaf, stem, and root, mix them with water, and then drink [26]
Verbena officinalis-L Atuch R Oral Fresh Extract the root powder with water, filter it, and take the filtrate on an empty stomach [40]
Verbena officinalis-L Atuch L Oral Fresh The fresh leaves are crushed, mixed with water, and given orally [30]
Verbena officinalis-L Atuch R Oral Fresh Crush [22]

Zygophyllaceae Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile (Zygophyllaceae) Bedena L Oral Fresh Crush to collect juice [21]

Note. Plant parts used (Fb = fruit bark, Fr = fruit, L = Leaf, R = root, Rb = root bark, S = seed, and Sb = stem bark).