a) Schema showing protein- and peptide-based nanomaterials for improved tumor homing of nanomaterials, increased cancer cell disruption and penetration, and attacking particular genetic and biochemical processes responsible for MBC development. Reproduced with permission.[221] Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society, b) Schema and transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of a 130 nm nab-PTX showing conjugation of albumin and PTX. Reproduced with permission.[228] Copyright 2008, Elsevier, and c) schematic representation of conjugation of TAT to gold NPs and Dox (A), illustration showing the possible mechanism by which TAT-Au-Dox reaches the leaky tumor vasculature, where particles penetrate cancer cells and are retained at the tumor site, secondary to the enhanced permeability and retention effect and release of drug due to the low-pH TME (B), and intravenous and intratumoral delivery modes (C). Reproduced with permission.[230] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.