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. 2023 Dec 4;131(12):126001. doi: 10.1289/EHP12956

Table 1.

Prenatal environmental exposure epigenome-wide association study literature review results. Studies (n=51) were included if they performed replication or meta-analysis.

Reference Cohort/consortia n a Ancestry Exposure Exposure tissue Epigenetic measure Epigenetic tissue Significant DMPs Criteria for significance Validation type Replication successful yes/no
Cigarette smoking
 Joubert et al.33 PACE 6,685 Multi – primarily European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Cord blood FDR – 6,073; Bonferroni - 568 Bonferroni Meta-analysis & replication Yes, Kolmogorov p value<2.2×1016 for replication look-up in older children’s blood
 Sikdar et al.34 PACE 5,648 Multi – primarily European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Cord blood 5,547 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Everson et al.35 PACE 1,700 Multi – primarily European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Placenta 443 Bonferroni Meta-analysis NA
 Hannon et al.36 MINERVA 1,263 European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Blood spots 110 Bonferroni Meta-analysis & replication Yes, 102 of 110 DMPs, sign test p<2×10323
 Vives-Usano37 HELIX 1,105 Multi – primarily European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Child peripheral blood 41 FDR<0.05 Replication Yes, 17 of 18 loci
 Joubert et al.38 MoBa 1,062 Multi – primarily European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Cord blood 26 Bonferroni Replication Yes
 Rotroff et al.39 MoBA 1,062 European Prenatal maternal smoking Maternal plasma (cotinine) 450K Cord blood 27 Bonferroni Replication Mixed, 9 of 15 genes
 Markunas et al.40 Norway facial clefts study 889 European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Heel prick blood spots 185 FDR<0.05 Replication Mixed, 22 of 26 DMPs
 Küpers et al.41 GECKO Drenthe 255 European Prenatal maternal smoking NA 450K Cord blood 35 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis & replication Mixed, 3 of 8 DMPs
 Morales et al.42 INMA 179 European Prenatal maternal smoking Survey and maternal urine cotinine 450K Placenta 50 FDR<0.05 Replication Yes, 4 of 4 DMPs
 Shorey-Kendrick et al.43 NA 59 Multi – primarily European Prenatal maternal smoking NA EPIC Placenta 726 FDR<0.05 Replication Mixed, 105 of 726 DMPs
 Howe et al.44 MACHS 20 European Prenatal maternal Smoking NA Whole-Genome bisulfite sequencing Cord blood CD4(+) 10,381 FDR<0.05 Replication Mixed, 4 of 9 DMRs Replicated in adult CD4+ cells
Maternal alcohol and diet
 Sharp et al.45 PACE 3,075 Multi – primarily European Maternal alcohol NA 450K Cord blood 0 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Küpers et al.46 PACE 2,802 Multi – primarily European Mediterranean diet NA 450K Cord blood 1 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis No, 0 of 1 DMPs
 Joubert et al.47 PACE 1,988 European Folate NA 450K Cord blood 48 Bonferroni Meta-analysis NA
 Gonseth et al.48 CCLS 343 Multi – primarily European Folate NA 450K Blood spots 4 Permutation-based P values test Replication Mixed, 3 of 4 DMPs
 Amarasekera et al.49 NA 23 European Folate Maternal serum in last trimester of pregnancy 450K Cord blood (CD4(+) T-cells & antigen-presenting cells) No DMPs/DMPs reported, only DMR NA Replication Mixed, DMR only
 Suderman et al.50 MoBa; ALSPAC 1,416 European 25-hydroxyvitamin D Maternal plasma 450K Cord blood 0 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Tauebert et al.51 INMA and Generation R 1,286 European Iron Maternal serum; cord blood 450K Cord blood 3 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Størdal et al.52 MoBA 1,062 European Iron supplements NA 450K Cord blood 0 Bonferroni Replication NA
 Caramaschi et al.53 ALSPAC 641 European B12 Genotype (proxy) 450K Cord blood 3 FDR<0.05 Replication Mixed, 1 of 3 DMPs
 Geraghty et al.54 ROLO 60 European Glycemic index diet intervention NA EPIC Cord blood serum 0 FDR<0.05 Replication NA
 Yan et al.55 NA 24 Asian Glycemic index dietary intervention NA 450K Placenta 365 FDR<0.05 Replication Mixed, 4 of 10 DMPs
Air pollution
 Gruzieva et al.56  PACE 1,949 Multi – primarily European PM10 NA 450K Cord blood 6 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis & replication Mixed, 0 of 6 loci in newborns, 4 of 6 DMPs in older children
 Isaevska et al.57 Piccolipin 384 European PM10 NA EPIC Cord blood 284 FDR<0.05 Replication Mixed, 10 of 151 DMPs tested
 Gruzieva et al.56 PACE 1,551 Multi – primarily European PM2.5 NA 450K Cord blood 14 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis & replication No, 0 of 14 DMPs
 Plusquin et al.58 ALSPAC and EXPOsOMICS (ENVIRONAGE, INMA, Piccolipiù and Rhea) 850 Multi – primarily European PM NA 450K Cord blood; peripheral blood 0 – cross-sectional; 1 – longitudinal FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Breton et al.59 NA 240 Multi – primarily European Air pollution PM NA 450K Blood spots 31 FDR<0.15 Replication Mixed, 1 of 2 DMPs
 Gruzieva et al.60 PACE 1,508 Multi – primarily European NO2 NA 450K Cord blood 3 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis & replication Mixed, 1 of 3 DMPs
 Peng et al.61 Project Viva 482 Multi – primarily European Proximity to roadways NA 450K Cord blood 4 FDR<0.05 Replication No, 0 of 4 DMPs
Metals and other elements
 Lozano et al.62 PACE 1,462 Multi – primarily European Methylmercury Maternal blood; cord blood; maternal hair 450K and EPIC Cord blood; childhood peripheral blood 2 FDR<0.10 Meta-analysis No, 0 of 2 DMPs
 Bakulski et al.63 Baltimore THREE 141 Multi – primarily African Mercury Cord blood CHARM 2.0 Cord blood 0 FDR<0.10 Replication Yes, 1 of 1 DMR region replicated
 Tian et al.64 NHBCS and RICHS 484 Multi – primarily European Selenium Placenta 450K Placenta 5 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Everson et al.65 NHBCS and RICHS 484 Multi – primarily European Cadmium Placenta 450K Placenta 3 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Park et al.66 MOCEH 384 Asian Cadmium Maternal venous blood; cord blood EPIC Cord blood 2 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Gliga et al.67 NA 71 Asian Cadmium Maternal blood and child urine (age 9 y) 450K PBMCs – cord blood and peripheral blood Cord blood – 458; child blood age 9–6 y FDR<0.05 Replication Yes, 1 of 1 DMR tested
 Kennedy et al.68 NA 447 European Copper Placenta 450K Placenta 0 Bonferroni Meta-analysis NA
 Park et al.69 NA 364 Asian Lead Maternal blood and cord blood EPIC Cord blood 0 (111 in male-only analysis) FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Wu et al.70 Project Viva 268 Multi – primarily European Lead Maternal blood 450K Cord blood 4 FDR<0.05 Replication No
 Bozack et al.71 NA 120 Asian & admixed/Latino Arsenic Natural experiment and water samples EPIC & 450K Blood; buccal cells PBMCs – 1; PBMCs & buccal cells – 3 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis NA
 Kaushal et al.72 NA 64 Asian Arsenic Maternal urine 450K Cord blood 579 FDR<0.05 Replication No, 0 of 553 DMPs tested
 Bozack et al.73 NA 44 Asian Arsenic Drinking water; maternal toenails 450K Cord blood 380 p<1×106 Replication Mixed, 2 of 3 genes tested using pyrosequencing
 Zeng et al.74 NA 24 Asian E-waste exposure (heavy metals) Prenatal maternal blood (validate heavy metal exposure) 450K Cord blood 125 p<0.05 Replication Yes, 2 of 2 DMPs
Other chemicals
 Liu et al.75 HOME 266 Multi – primarily European PFAS Maternal serum EPIC Cord blood; peripheral blood at 12 y of age 2 DMPs for PFOS, 12 for PFOA, 8 for PFHxS, and 413 for PFNA FDR<0.05 Replication Mixed, 6 of 315 DMPs
 Miura et al.76 Hokkaido study 190 Asian PFAS Maternal blood 450K Cord blood 4 FDR<0.05 Replication No, 0 of 4 DMPs
 Miura et al.77 Hokkaido study 203 Asian di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Maternal blood 450K Cord blood 2 FDR<0.05 Replication No, 0 of 2 DMPs
 Vilahur et al.78 NA 181 European Xenoestrogens Placenta 450K Placenta 0 FDR<0.05 Replication No, 0 of 2 DMPs
 Miura et al.79 Hokkaido study Male – 123; female – 154 Asian BPA Cord blood 450K Cord blood Male – 27; female – 16 FDR<0.05 Replication No, 0 of 14 DMPs in females, 0 of 26 in males
 McCabe et al.80 MMIP 69 Multi – primarily European BPA Maternal urine EPIC Umbilical cord blood leukocytes 38 FDR<0.05 Replication No, non-significant and slight correlation between effect estimates of DMPSs in independent study
 Yu et al.81 NA 24 Asian DDT pesticide Cord blood 450K Cord blood 1,131 p<0.05 Replication Yes, 2 of 2 DMPs
Social stressors
 Alfano et al.82 ALSPAC 973 European Socio-economic position NA 450K Cord blood; whole blood Birth:4/childhood:0/adolescence:20 FDR<0.05 Replication No, 0 of 4 DMPs
Other exposures
 Caramaschi et al.83 ALSPAC and MoBa 2,644 European Medically assisted reproduction NA 450K Cord blood 5 FDR<0.05 Meta-analysis No, 0 of 5 DMPs

Note: ALSPAC, Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents And Children; BPA, bisphenol A; CCLS, California Childhood Leukemia Study; DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; DMP, differentially methylated position; DMR, differentially methylated region; ENVIRONAGE, ENVIRonmental influence ON early AGEing; FDR, false discovery rate; HOME, Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment; GECKO, Groningen Expert Center for Kids with Obesity; HELIX, Human Early Life Exposome; HOME, Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment; INMA, INfancia y Medio Ambiente; MACHS, Moderate Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health; MINERVA, MINimizE Right Ventricular pacing to prevent Atrial fibrillation and heart failure; MMIP, Michigan Mother and Infant Pairs Cohort; MoBa, The Norwegian Mother & Child Cohort Study; MOCEH, Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health; NHBCS, New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study; NA, Not Applicable; PACE, Pregnancy And Childhood Epigenetics consortium; PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; PFAS, perfluoroalkyl substances; PFHxS, perfluorohexane sulfonate; PFNA, perfluorononanoate; PFOA, perfluorooctanoate; PFOS, perfluorooctane sulfonate; PM, particulate matter; RICHS, Rhode Island Child Health Study; ROLO, Randomised cOntrol trial of LOw glycaemic index diet to prevent macrosomia; THREE, Tracking Health Related to Environmental Exposures.


Largest n reported when multiple exposure tissues, sum of all study n for meta-analyses.