Fig. 6.
Instrumental and reconstructed temperatures near Faxaflói. a) δ18Oshell-based temperature reconstruction (blue, TR), May–October (growing season) local sea surface temperature measurements from monitoring stations near SW Iceland (purple, R = Reykjavík; yellow, SV = Stórhöfði/Vestmannaejar; green, G = Grindavík), May–October local sea surface temperature from the Hadley Centre gridded dataset (black, Had = HadISST, 22–24°W, 64–65°N), and May–October local temperatures measured at 100 m depth at stations FX3 and FX4 (gray, FX; filtered to only include years with at least two measurements between May and October). 21-year moving averages (thick lines) are shown for the reconstruction and HadISST series only. b) Box-and-whisker plots summarizing instrumental and reconstructed temperature series (whiskers extend to minimum and maximum, boxes extend to first and third quartiles, mean is noted by horizontal line). Summaries are shown for all available data (black outlines) and the period limited by available FX3 and FX4 data (gray outlines; 1948–2015). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)