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. 2023 Nov 21;4(4):102735. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102735

Anti-SCGBA1 (clone 394324, rat IgG) antibody dilution: 1/250 R&D Systems Cat#MAB4218; RRID: AB_2183286
Anti-acetylated-alpha-tubulin (clone 6-11B-1, mouse IgG2b) antibody dilution: 1/250 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#32-2700; RRID: AB_2533073
Anti-MUC5AC AF700 (clone 45M1, mouse IgG1) antibody dilution: 1/250 Novus Cat#NBP2-32732AF700; RRID: AB_2894883
Anti-CCL20 (rabbit polyclonal) antibody dilution: 1/200 Abcam Cat#ab224188; RRID: AB_2894878
Anti-CSF3 AF594 (clone CSF3/900, mouse IgG1) antibody dilution: 1/400 Novus Cat#NBP2-47934AF594; RRID: AB_2933966
Anti-NP (SARS-CoV) AF488 or AF647 antibody dilution: 1/250 Center for Therapeutic Antibody Development at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NP-1C7C7
Anti-cytokeratin 5 AF594 (rabbit polyclonal) antibody dilution: 1/250 Novus Cat#NBP2-61931AF594; RRID: AB_2933967
Anti-pan-cytokeratin (clone AE-1/AE-4, mouse IgG1) antibody dilution: 1/300 BioLegend Cat#914204; RRID: AB_2616960
Anti-aSMA (clone 1A4, mouse IgG2a) antibody dilution: 1/200 Abcam Cat#Ab7817; RRID: AB_262054
Anti-fibronectin (rabbit polyclonal) antibody dilution: 1/400 Abcam Cat#Ab32419; RRID: AB_732379
Anti-mouse IgG1 AF488 antibody dilution: 1/2,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A21121; RRID: AB_2535764
Anti-mouse IgG2a AF647 antibody dilution: 1/2,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A21241; RRID: AB_2535810
Anti-rabbit IgG AF568 antibody dilution: 1/2,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A11011; RRID: AB_143157
Anti-mouse IgG2b AF555 antibody dilution: 1/2,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A-21147; RRID: AB_2535783
Anti-rabbit IgG AF555 antibody dilution: 1/200 BioLegend Cat#406412; RRID: AB_2563181
Anti-rat IgG AF488 antibody dilution: 1/2,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A-11006; RRID: AB_2534074
Anti-NP (SARS-CoV-2; polyclonal) antibody dilution: 1/2,000 Novus Cat#NB100-56576A; RRID: AB_838838
Anti-spike (SARS-CoV-2; polyclonal) antibody dilution: 1/50 Novus Cat#NBP2-24808AF647; RRID: AB_2933968
Anti-cytokeratin 5 (clone EP1601Y) antibody dilution: 1/60 Abcam Cat#ab52635; RRID: AB_869890
Anti-mouse IgG HRP antibody dilution: 1/5,000 ProteinSimple Cat# 042-205; RRID: AB_2860576

Bacteria and virus strains

SARS-CoV-2 (USA/WA1-2020) BEI Resources NR-52281
SARS-CoV-2 (Beta variant B.1.351) Gift from Dr. Andy Pekosz N/A
SARS-CoV-2 (Delta variant B.1.617.2) Obtained from Dr. Viviana Simon Mount Sinai Pathogen Surveillance program
SARS-CoV-2 (Omicron variant B.1.1.529, BA.1) Obtained from Dr. Viviana Simon Mount Sinai Pathogen Surveillance program

Biological samples

Human lung tissue This study: NDRI Project: RPAK1 01

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Advanced DMEM/F12 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#12634-028
MEM media 10× Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#11430030
GlutaMAX supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#35050-061
Fetal bovine serum Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#50-753-2978
Penicillin/streptomycin (PS) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#150-70-063
Sodium bicarbonate 7.5% solution Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#25080094
HEPES (1 M) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#15-630-080
Red blood cell lysis buffer Roche Cat#11814389001
1× PBS Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#70011-044
Cultrex growth factor reduced BME type 2 Trevigen (R&D Systems) Cat#3533-010-02
Primocin InvivoGen Cat#Ant-pm-1
Nicotinamide Sigma Cat#N0636
N-acetylcysteine Sigma Cat#A9165
B-27 supplement Gibco Cat#1750444
SB202190 Sigma Cat#S7067
A83-01 Tocris Cat#2939
Noggin PeproTech Cat#120-10C
FGF 10 PeproTech Cat#100-26
FGF 7 PeproTech Cat#100-19
R-spondin 1 PeproTech Cat#120-38
Y-27632 AbMole Cat#M1817
Collagen I rat protein Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A1048301
PneumaCult-Ex plus medium STEMCELL Cat#05040
PneumaCult-ALI medium STEMCELL Cat#05001
Hydrocortisone STEMCELL Cat#07926
Heparin solution STEMCELL Cat#07980
DNase I Sigma Cat#D4513
Dispase I Sigma Cat#4942086001
Collagenase I Sigma Cat#9C9407
Paraformaldehyde 16% Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#28906
Triton X-100 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#HFH10
Phalloidin ATTO647N Sigma Cat#65906
Fluromount-G Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#00-4958-02
DAPI Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#D1306
Fc receptor blocker Innovex Cat#NB309
Background buster Innovex Cat#NB306
Mouse serum Jackson ImmunoResearch Cat#015-000-120
BSA (IgG-free, Protease-free; for immunofluorescence, IF) Jackson ImmunoResearch Cat#001-000-161
BSA (cell culture grade) Sigma Cat#A9418
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) Sigma Cat#67-68-5
TrypLE express enzyme Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#12605010
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%) phenol red Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#25-300-062
Zombie Aqua Fixable Viability Kit BioLegend Cat#423101
Zombie Green Fixable Viability Kit BioLegend Cat#423111
Saponin Sigma Cat#S7900-100G
Oxoid purified agar Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#LP0028
DEAE-dextran Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#J63781.14
TPCK/trypsin Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#20233
TrueBlue peroxidase substrate SeraCare Cat#5510-0030

Critical commercial assays

Cytofix/Cytoperm Fixation/ Permeabilization solution Kit BD Biosciences Cat#554714
Direct-zol RNA MicroPrep Kits Zymo Research Cat#R2062
RNase-free DNase set QIAGEN Cat#79254
Kapa Stranded mRNA-seq Library Prep Kit Kapa Biosystems Cat#KK8401
Viral stock protocol ARTIC
Viral-RNA Kit Omega Bio-tek Cat#R6874-02
Native Barcoding Expansion Kit ONT Cat#EXP-NBD104

Deposited data

Raw data and analyzed data This study GEO: GSE225603

Experimental models:Cell lines

African green monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus): VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells Cellosaurus
R Matsuyama et al.10
African green monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus): VeroE6 ATCC ATCC CRL-1586, clone E6; RRID: CVCL_0574

Software and algorithms

Imaris 9.4 Bitplane
ImageJ ImageJ
Leica (LAS) X Leica Microsystems
Adobe Illustrator Adobe
BD FACSuite software BD Biosciences
GraphPad Prism v8 GraphPad
FlowJo v10.3 FlowJo LLC
DNAstar Lasergene
R (v4.2.0) The R Foundation
ggplot2 (R package v3.3.6) R package
ComplexHeatmap package (v2.12.1) R package
RSEM v1.3.3 Li and Dewey11
Bowtie Langmead et al.12
FastQC N/A
MultiQC Ewels et al.13 N/A
BBDuk tool BBMap download |
DESeq2 R package
Love et al.14
SVAseq R package
Reference manager Mendeley


Greiner CELLSTAR multiwell culture plates (P24-well) Sigma Cat#M9312
Corning Transwell polyester membrane cell culture inserts (P24-well, 0.4 μm) Sigma Cat#3470
Corning sterile cell strainers (100 μm) Fisher Scientific Cat#431752
Petri dishes 100 × 15 mm Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#150350
Petri dishes 60 × 15 mm Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#174888
50 mL tubes Fisher Scientific Cat#339652
2 mL cryovial tubes Fisher Scientific Cat#431386
Tissue-Tek OCT compound Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#4583
Tissue-Tek cryomold VWR Cat#4566
Slides Denville Scientific Cat#M1021
Cover glass Thermo Scientific Cat#152450
Optimized freezing container Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#5100-0001
MACSmix tube rotator Miltenyi Biotec Cat#130-090-753
EVOM2 ohm meter WPI Cat#EVOM2
Piston from insulin syringe BD Biosciences Cat#324921
Membrane filter, 0.22 μm pore size Sigma Cat#GSWP04700
Beakers (1,000 mL) VWR Cat#13912-284
Pyrex container Cole-Parmer Cat#3175-10
Autoclaving foil VWR Cat#47734-154
Saran wrap VWR Cat#46610-056
Parafilm VWR Cat#52858-076
Surgical blue wrap VWR Cat#56222-053
Scalpel VWR Cat#76457-484
Surgical forceps VWR Cat#10806-206
Fine-point forceps VWR Cat#470005-440
Surgical scissors VWR Cat#76457-366
Pipet-Lite LTS pipette L-1000XLS+ Rainin Cat#17014382
Pipettes (tips 1 mL) Mettler Toledo Cat#30389217
Electric pipette controller Eppendorf Easypet 3 Eppendorf Cat#2231000955
Serological pipettes (10 mL) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#170356N
Serological pipettes (25 mL) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#170357N
Schematic and graphical abstract images BioRender