Physiochemical properties of pY vs sY. (A) Chemical structure
properties of tyrosine, phospho-tyrosine, and sulfo-tyrosine. A table
of the monoisotopic mass shift (Da) of the phosphate/sulfate moiety
in comparison to tyrosine, the pKa value
of the strongest acidic group, net charge influence at physiological
pH (∼8), collisional cross section (Å2), and
the polar surface area charge-distributed across (Å2) are presented. Data were compiled from the 2022 Human Metabolome
Database. (B) Charge state distribution of our standard panel of peptides
in an unmodified, phosphorylated, or sulfated state. Modification
site denoted by [Y], ox = oxidized residue. Error bars represent SE
from N = 10 replicates. (C) Scaled RT shifts of pY-
and sY-peptides. Normalized RT shifts (s) are plotted with reference
to the RT of the unmodified peptide counterpart. Modification site
denoted by [Y], ox = oxidized residue. Error bars represent SE from N = 10 replicates. (D) Real-time λ phosphatase assay
to study peptide dephosphorylation or desulfation. Identical fluorescent
peptide sequences containing either pY or sY were incubated with stated
quantities of λ phosphatase, and the level of modification reversal
(dephosphorylation or desulfation) was determined over time (min)
using a ratiometric real-time assay. Error bars represent S.D.