Comparison of site-determining ions for the
sY and pY peptide panel
using different fragmentation regimes. Two sample pools were generated
containing either the panel of 12 sY- or 12 pY-containing peptides
and subjected to LC–MS/MS on the Fusion Lumos Tribrid mass
spectrometer (ThermoFisher) using fragmentation conditions as detailed.
Ranging NCEs were applied for CID, HCD, ETciD, and EThcD as denoted.
The ETD component was charge state-calibrated.90 UVPD activation time was either calibrated to molecular
weight (%)91 or manually set (ms). Data
were searched with COMET, and the highest scoring PSM was selected
for further investigation. The heatmap shows the log2 ratio
of the number of observed MS2 product ions containing the known modification
mass shift (Δ80 Da) normalized to the total number of potential
PTM-containing product ions (log2(ion mean + 1). Ions correlating
to fragmentation at the same position in the peptide (e.g., a4/b4, y8/y82+/z8) were collapsed into a single entry. The modification
site is depicted by “[Y]”, and charge states are visualized
separately. Green = all potential mass shift containing product ions
detected; red = no potential mass shift containing product ions detected;
white = no MS/MS spectra were confidently identified.