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. 2023 Nov 30;11(1):e2053. doi: 10.1002/nop2.2053


Predictors of nurses' coping strategies in multiple linear regression analysis.

Criterion Predictors Unstandardized coefficients (β) Std. error Standardized coefficients (Beta) t p‐value 95% CI Statistics
Adaptive coping Constant −0.471 7.83 −0.719 0.972 (−0.783 to −0.265)

R = 0.562

R 2 = 0.315

F(7) = 9.241

p = 0.000

Age (Reference: ≤35) 3.491 2.45 0.146 2.412 0.012 (1.299 to 4.993)
Gender (Reference: Female) 3.472 2.61 0.184 2.473 0.027 (1.429 to 5.718)
Healthcare setting (Reference: COVID‐19 ICU) 3.836 2.83 0.151 2.429 <0.001 (2.674 to 4.327)
Nursing work experience (Reference: <10 years) 3.174 2.66 0.173 2.635 <0.001 (1.362 to 3.351)
Work experience in COVID‐19 settings (Reference: ≥2 years) 3.793 3.21 0.159 2.315 <0.001 (2.291 to 4.927)
Type of nursing role (Reference: A floor nurse) 2.629 3.41 0.193 4.229 <0.001 (1.293 to 3.937)
Psychological distress −3.721 3.62 −0.145 2.325 <0.001 (−4.325 to −2.391)
Maladaptive coping Constant −0.431 6.84 −0.711 0.635 (−0.654 to −0.2751)

R = 0.512

R 2 = 0.262

F(7) = 8.539

p = 0.000

Age (Reference:> 35) 3.214 2.23 0.132 2.621 0.017 (2.423 to 4.232)
Gender (Reference: Male) 3.259 2.72 0.156 2.659 0.039 (2.417 to 4.621)
Healthcare setting (Reference: General ward for COVID‐19) 4.321 2.71 0.173 2.421 <0.001 (3.529 to 5.718)
Nursing work experience (Reference: ≥ 10 years) 2.416 3.59 0.154 2.293 <0.001 (1.743 to 3.241)
Work experience in COVID‐19 settings (Reference:<2) 3.293 4.62 0.171 2.685 <0.001 (2.752 to 4.221)
Type of nursing role (Reference: Head nurse/clinical nurse supervisor) 2.344 3.97 0.132 4.245 <0.001 (1.934 to 3.417)
Psychological distress 4.479 2.83 −0.174 3.741 <0.001 (3.761 to 5.112)