We assessed the capability of micapipe to generate reproducible outcomes
in a test-retest scenario, adoping a prior framework (Seguin et al., 2022). For all modalities and three
parcellations, we evaluated the similarity between matrices of two different
acquisitions (53 subjects from HCP, run-1 and run-2 scans). (A)
From each similarity matrix of subject-test by subject-retest, we computed three
measures of similarity: reliability (intra-subject), uniformity (inter-subject),
and identifiability (effect size between intra- and inter-). Reliability
quantifies the mean processing consistency for an individual; uniformity
quantifies the mean conformity of matrices belonging to different individuals,
and identifiability quantifies how an individual can be recognized from a group
based on the matrix features. The scatter plots with lines show the mean values
of each similarity measure for each modality over three granularities
(Schaefer-100, 400 and 1000). (B) Similarity matrices for each
modality and granularity. (C) Density plots of the reliability and
uniformity by modality and granularity of all subject pairs. For all feature
matrices, we found higher reliability than uniformity, with excellent
performance for GD and SC, and good results for FC and MPC. Overall, less
granular parcellation data had higher similarity than more granular parcellation
data across all modalities. GD=geodesic distance, SC=structural connectome,
FC=functional connectome, and MPC=microstructural profile covariance.