Figure 6. 3D pose analysis resolves the behavior of animals following resolution of inflammation as a new state as opposed to return to baseline, this state is stabilized by treatment with the anti-inflammatory Meloxicam.
(A) Timeline of extended behavioral characterization following induction of inflammation with carrageenan. (B) Heat hypersensitivity of the Ipsi paw is comparable to baseline by 6-days post-injection of carrageenan. (C) Intraplantar injection of saline does not affect mechanical sensitivity of the hind paw when assessed with von Frey, however, hypersensitivity is seen at 1- and 3-days post injection of carrageenan which resolves by day 6. (D) Mutation plot summarizing how usage of each behavioral module identified via MoSeq changes with time following intraplantar injection of carrageenan. Usage of certain behaviors including (E) rearing and (F) grooming appear to recover with time following injection of carrageenan, although others including (G) rearing and (H) pausing remain different to baseline at 14-days post-injection. (I) Administration of a single dose of Meloxicam at 24-hours post-injection of carrageenan stabilizes spontaneous behaviors at time points where evoked-sensitivity has recovered. (J) Spontaneous behavior is more variable when tested after absence of pain relief. For 3D pose analysis, baseline+saline (bsl+sal) n= 10 animals, 4h post-carrageenan n= 20 animals, 24h post-carrageenan+saline (24h+sal) n= 10 animals, 6d post-carrageenan n= 20 animals, 14d post-carrageenan n= 20 animals, Statistical analysis: corrected bootstrap t-test.