Figure 3.
Interpreting effects of neuron-type manipulation with procedure, process, and behavior. A, Equating procedure, process, and behavior can result in claims that Pavlovian fear conditioning failed to occur when a neuron-type manipulation abolishes a conditioned behavior (red represents freezing). B, Schematic of Pavlovian fear conditioning in which different procedures (black vs gray), engage unique and overlapping processes (abstract patterns), to elicit (triangles) or inhibit (circles) a suite of behaviors (red represents freezing; cyan represents reward seeking; green represents running) as well as latent processes manifesting outside of the original conditioning setting. A neuron-type manipulation that disrupts the process eliciting freezing may leave other processes and behavioral outcomes intact. C, Schematic same as in B. A neuron-type manipulation that disrupts the process eliciting running may leave other processes and behavioral outcomes intact.