Fig. 3. Sorting results when clients have homogeneous data access.
a The confusion matrix for the majority voting (MV) and Wasserstein distance voting (WDV) methods, respectively. We consider the prediction probability distribution for each class. The sorting of independent learning (IL) is annotated. b Sorting accuracy distribution and privacy budget (PB) of the IL, MV, and WDV in the presence of random noise. The PB value is referenced at a 90% accuracy level. c Average F1-score of sorting results and PBs in each class using the IL, MV, and WDV. The PB values are all referenced at a 0.9 F1-score level. Data are presented as mean values ±1 standard deviation. d Feature importance, in descending order. The subplot shows the feature space spanned by the first two most salient features. Data are presented as mean values + 1standard deviation. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.