Fig. 4.
Relationships between disulfidptosis and Signaling Pathways and drug response. (A–B) Heatmap showing normalized difference for Gene sets activity in Gene Ontology Biological Processes (GOBP) (A) and cancer hallmark pathways activity (B) between high- and low-disulfidptosis score tumor tissues. (C) Spearman's rank correlation between disulfidptosis-related mRNA expression levels in different signaling pathways and drug sensitivity (AUC value) across 1074 cancer cell lines. The red dots indicate disulfidptosis-related genes; the bar plot denotes the number of drugs correlated with the genes. The grey circle denotes cancer-related signaling pathway; the orange dots along the grey circle indicate drugs targeting pathways and the point size shows the number of genes correlated with drug sensitivity (|Rs| > 0.3, FDR <0.05); the magenta and green lines indicate positive and negative correlation, respectively. AUC, Area Under Curve; FDR, False discovery rate. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)