Figure EV2. UFC1 interaction with UFL1 N‐terminal helix.
A, BModel confidence of the AlphaFold2 complex prediction of A UFL1‐DDRGK1‐UFC1 and B UFL1 N‐terminal helix‐UFC1. Left: Predicted local distance difference test (pLDDT); Right: predicted Align Error (pAE) plots of model ranked 1, and models ranked 2–5.
CCoomassie stain gel shows that UFC1 binds to DDRGK1‐UFL1 but not DDRGK1‐UFL1ΔN, demonstrating that this interaction depends on the presence of the N‐terminal helix of UFL1.
DLoading control of in vitro ufmylation assay with mutants of DDRGK1‐UFL1 and UFC1 (accompanies Fig 2I).