Unsafe, dangerous situations
Political/economic issues
Earthquakes, floods, fires
Shortages of doctors and other HPs
Doctors being killed in conflict
Difficulty in recruitment (also a general issue)
Accreditation standards, lack of regulation
Expenditure cuts
No specific solutions were provided for any of these issues. Suggestions were made mainly about raising awareness and coping strategies.
Broad strategies:
Postpone or abandon the programme
Deal with the issue in the short- or long-term - adaptation, collaboration
Mitigate damage, normalise the situation
Health and education systems
Low resource or remote settings
University funding models
Competing values; role conflict
Quality of education
Difficult to recruit doctors: Leads to a low doctor: patient ratio, e.g. In the Congo, 77 ophthalmologists for 80 million people so preventable diseases (e.g. cataract) prevail
Also affects clinical supervision
CPD and faculty development not offered
Declining health care systems
Fees (e.g. student unrest in South Africa)
Country/regional needs vs. individual needs
Education vs. service delivery
Education vs. research
Private vs. public education
Low staff: student ratio
Traditional paradigm; resistance to change
Accreditation standards, lack of a national exam
Non-inclusive curriculum
Conflict of beliefs and values
General suggestions (for a range of circumstances):
Just doing something (action)
Plan (reflection)- implement- evaluate-reflect (Kolb’s experiential learning cycle)
Make slow but sure changes
Celebrate small successes
Change the system or develop flexible systems
Plan for the long-term (requires patience)
Develop a sense of ownership (through good leaders)
Identify champions
Positive role models
Collaborate and share good practice with like-minded individuals
Transcultural competence training
Use narratives, stories and conversations
‘Fit for purpose’ curriculum
Organisational; teamwork
Medical hierarchy; lack of group or institutional cohesion |
Conflict amongst health professionals
Working with individual purpose and/or power
Gender, race, religious, etc. discrimination
Interprofessional training
Unconscious bias training
Institutional sense of purpose
Clear, effective leadership
Individual or personal
Uncertainty |
Lack of student support systems |