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. 2023 Nov 21;14:1283590. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1283590

Table 2.

Repeated measurement ANOVA for coatings for the indicated indices for wheat.

Variables Df Bacteria M-Lack Bacteria × M-Lack
Wheat growth indicators
Root shoot ratio 1 47.03*** 32.81** 15.18**
Germination rate 1 13.78** 5.29* ns
Dry weight 1 74.38*** 96.69*** ns
Fresh weight 1 77.76*** 27.31*** 6.00*
Wheat physiological indicators
Chl 1 111.73*** 12.92** ns
POD 1 101.68*** 33.46*** ns
SOD 1 344.97*** 308.29*** 86.67***
CAT 1 10.10** ns ns
PRO 1 56.09*** 6.49* ns
MDA 1 13.67** 23.61*** ns
H2O2 1 60.59*** 116.17*** ns
Wheat root growth
TRL 1 213.26*** 188.43*** 12.13**
TRA 1 202.28*** 173.98*** ns
ARD 1 ns 7.81* 23.47***
TRV 1 151.53*** 127.32*** ns
RHL 1 137.65*** 149.55*** ns

Effects of wheat seeds with bacteria (Bacteria), wheat seeds with microcapsules lacking bacteria (M-Lack) and wheat seeds with microcapsules embedded bacteria (M-Embed). Root shoot ratio, Germination rate, Dry weight, and Fresh weight), wheat physiological indicators (Chl, POD, SOD, CAT, PRO, H2O2 and MDA), and wheat root growth (TRL, TRA, ARD, TRV, and RHL) for repeated measures ANOVA results F values. See Figure 3 for abbreviations. * p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.