A) Heat maps of the normalized fold changes (log2) of molecular chaperones and co-chaperones of HEK cells subjected to 1 and 4 days of chronic HS as determined by quantitative label-free proteomics (n=3 biologically independent samples); only proteins whose abundance changed with q-values (adjusted p-values) of <0.05 were considered significant and are shown in the heat map (extracted from
Source data 1). (
B) Immunoblots of some molecular chaperones of A549 WT and Hsp90α/β KO cells. GAPDH and the Ponceau S-stained nitrocellulose filter serve as loading controls. (
C) Volcano plots of the normalized fold changes of total proteins of cells subjected to chronic HS for 1 and 4 days (first and second rows, respectively) determined by quantitative label-free proteomics (extracted from
Source data 1). Each genotype was compared with its respective 37 °C control (n=3 biologically independent samples). Log2 fold changes of >0.5 or <–0.5 with q-values (adjusted p-values) of <0.05 were considered significant differences for a particular protein.