A) Flow cytometric determination of the in vivo UPS activity using the Ub-M-GFP and Ub-R-GFP reporter plasmids (n=4 biologically independent samples). (
B) Flow cytometric measurement of autophagic flux using a mCherry-GFP-LC3 reporter. Flux is calculated as the ratio of the mean fluorescence intensities of mCherry and GFP-positive cells (n=4 biologically independent samples). (
C) Quantitation of the number of EGFP-Q74 aggregates per 100 cells from representative micrographs such as the ones of
Figure 7D. For each bar, data are from six different experiments, each normalized to 100 cells. The data are represented as mean values ± SEM for all bar graphs. The statistical significance between the groups was analyzed by two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-tests.