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. 2023 Dec 7;9:161. doi: 10.1038/s41531-023-00604-y

Table 1.

Characterization of non-modified aSyn antibodies using recombinant synuclein proteins and peptides.

Antibody Epitope Species reactivity bSyn detection gSyn detection Other amyloidogenic protein reactivity Neighboring PTM sensitivity Conformational selectivity
LASH-EGT403 1–5 hu, mus + + m/o/f m/o/f
5B10-A12 1–10 hu, mus Inline graphic M5 m/o/f m/o/f
LASH-EGTNter 1–20 hu, mus + m/o/f m/o/f
LASH-BL 34–45 34–45 hu, mus + Inline graphic Y39 m/f m/o/f
LASH-BL 80–96 80–96 hu, mus m/o/f m/o/f
BD SYN-1 91–99 hu, mus m/o/f m/o/f
BL 4B12 103–108 hu m/o/f m/o/f
2F10-E12 110–115 hu, mus m/o/f m/o/f
AB LB509 115–122 hu Inline graphic P120-Y125 m/o/f m/o/f
7H10-E12 115–125 hu pY125 m/o/f m/o/f
LASH-BL 117–122 117–122 hu Inline graphic P120-Y125 m/o/f m/o/f
LASH-BL A15127A 120–122 hu m/o/f m/o/f
4E9-G10 120–125 hu pY125 m/o/f m/o/f
1F10-B12 121–125 hu m/o/f m/o/f
4E9-C12 121–132 hu pY125 m/o/f m/o/f
2C4-B12 123–125 hu pY125 m/o/f m/o/f
6B2-D12 126–132 hu, mus +/TDP-43 pS129 m/o/f m/o/f
AB 134–138 134–138 hu, mus + Inline graphic D135 m/o/f m/o/f

Inline graphic = truncation, aSyn alpha-synuclein, bSyn beta-synuclein, DB dot blot, f fibril, gSyn gamma-synuclein, hu human, m monomer, mus mouse, o oligomer, PTM post-translational modification, TDP-43 transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 kDa, WB Western blot.