Fig. 5.
Validity of web-based testing for demonstrating the co-modulation masking release (CMR) effect. A CMR was measured by assessing the SNR thresholds for detecting 4-kHz tones in modulated 1-ERB-wide on-band noise for varying configurations of 1-ERB-wide noise flankers (2-ERB gap between on-band noise and flankers). The flankers were either absent (REF), modulated in a correlated manner with the on-band noise (CORR), or anticorrelated manner with the on-band noise (ACORR). The change in tone thresholds across conditions is quantified as the CMR effect. (B) Psychometric curves for tone detection in different CMR conditions was measured from subjects, yielding a clear separation between conditions. CMR for CORR-REF was about 4 dB, whereas CMR for CORR - ACORR was about 17 dB consistent with lab-based measurements with identical stimuli. Horizontal error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals for the tone threshold in each condition