Table 1.
Focus group topic guide
Focus group 1st hour to include: • Introductions and refreshments • Explanation of process including recording consent • Talking through Accessible Research Information Sheet • Explaining use of visual images (e.g. no right or wrong answers) and context of questions • Time for participants to look at range of resources / images on different tables. | |
Opening question (approx. 5 min) |
Do you find it helpful when something is explained using pictures instead of only using writing? |
or | |
Do you like it when people explain things using pictures e.g., at the doctors? | |
Introductory questions (approx. 10 min) |
What are your thoughts about becoming/being a mother? Which of the pictures do you like, and which do you not like? Can you tell us why? |
What is happening in this photo/drawing/painting in your opinion? | |
Key questions (approx. 20 min) |
How do you feel about feeding a baby (breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding)? |
Do these pictures give you any information about how to look after a baby? What kind of information would you like about how to feed a baby? Are some of the pictures easier to understand than others? How do they make you feel? [In relation to one of two specific images.] Can you imagine being the woman in the picture? [We will be trying to find out if participants identify with any of the representations of maternity and if they feel excluded from any of them – how we do this will depend on the individuals who participate in the study.] | |
Ending question (approx. 10 min) |
Is there anything you want to say about the pictures that we haven’t talked about? |
Is there anything else you want to say about the kind of information you would like about looking after a baby? |