A-F, Properties of SGN recordings are reported for regenerated synapses in co-cultures of SGNs and denervated organs of Corti, plated at ages P3-5, P7-8 or P10-11; and for native acutely excised P4-5 organs of Corti (P4-5 Native). A, Percentage of SGN recordings showing regenerated postsynaptic activity in response to hair cell stimulation is higher in P7-8 or P10-11 versus P3-5 cultures. B, Distribution of ‘fast’, ‘slow ’and ‘mixed ’responses (as shown in Fig. 3) of regenerated synapses in comparison to P4-5 Native synapses. Contribution of ‘fast responses is higher in regenerated synapses of P7-8 or P10-11 versus P3-5 cultures, and 100% in P4-5 Native synapses. C, EPSC waveform of a P4-5 Native synapse (black) is slower that EPSC waveform from a P3-5 regenerated synapse (pink; P3-5 Reg). Individual waveforms are shown in grey and averaged in black or pink. Holding potential −79 mV. D-F, Comparison of EPSC waveform parameters for regenerated and native synapses. Each data point represents the median value from an individual recording. Numbers above each box indicated the number of SGN recordings used for analysis. Boxes represent the median (horizontal line), 10th and 90th percentile. Whiskers represent maximum and minimum values of the distribution. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, n.s.: not significant, Kruskal–Wallis with Dunn’s post hoc test. D, 90-10% median decay time of native EPSCs (EPSCs(P4-5 Native); 1.81ms; n=7) were slower compared to regenerated EPSCs of all age conditions: EPSCs(P3-5 Reg) (0.66ms; n=15; p<0.05); EPSCs(P7-8 Reg) (0.60ms; n=8; p<0.01) and EPSCs(P10-11 Reg) (0.58ms, n=6; p<0.01). However, decay time was not statistically different between regenerated EPSCs of all age conditions. E, The median amplitude of native EPSCs (EPSCs(P4-5 Native): 15.59pA; n=7) was similar compared to EPSCs(P3-5 Reg) (18.72pA; n=15). However, EPSCs(P4-5 Native) were significantly smaller when compared to EPSCs(P7-8 Reg) (21.89pA; n=8; p<0.01) and to EPSCs(P10-11 Reg) (25.77pA; n=6; p<0.05). F, The median area of native EPSCs (EPSCs(P4-5 Native); 46.00fC; n=7) was similar compared to regenerated EPSCs at all age conditions: EPSCs(P3-5 Reg) (19.27fC; n=15), EPSCs(P7-8 Reg) (30.25fC; n=8) and EPSCs(P10-11 Reg) (24.00fC; n=6). Regenerated EPSCs also displayed similar area values at all age conditions.