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. 2023 Nov 28;15(23):5626. doi: 10.3390/cancers15235626

Table 2.

Types and subtypes of mastocytosis per 2022 ICC [9,33] and WHO 5th edition # [10,49].

2022 ICC WHO 5th Edition
CM Maculopapular CM (MPCM; previously known as urticaria pigmentosa)
Urticaria pigmentosa/Maculopapular CM
Diffuse CM (DCM) Diffuse CM
Mastocytoma of the skin * Cutaneous mastocytoma
Isolated mastocytoma
Multilocalized mastocytoma
SM Indolent SM
(Includes bone marrow mastocytosis **)
Bone marrow mastocytosis **
Indolent SM
Smoldering SM Smoldering SM
Aggressive SM Aggressive SM
SM with an associated myeloid neoplasm SM with an associated hematologic neoplasm
Mast cell leukemia Mast cell leukemia
MCS Mast cell sarcoma Mast cell sarcoma

# Well-differentiated systemic mastocytosis (WDSM) represents a morphologic variant that may occur in any SM type/subtype, including mast cell leukemia [49,50]. * In case of ≥ 4 lesions, a diagnosis of MPCM is favored over mastocytoma by 2022 ICC [33]. ** The 5th WHO recognizes BMM as an independent SM subcategory, while the 2022 ICC considers BMM a variant of indolent SM (ISM).