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. 2023 Dec 8;3(12):e0001712. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001712

Table 1. Examples of task shifting in healthcare services delivery since COVID-19 pandemic.

Study Country of study Tasks shifted HRH delivering services Key findings
COVID-19 testing, surveillance, communication and care management
Zafar, S et al [36] Pakistan Testing, contact tracing and risk communication Lady Health Workers and Dengue Outreach Workers (CHWs)
  • COVID-19 surveillance hubs were established and CHWs were trained briefly before being deployed into communities

  • As HRH were moved to surveillance, maternal health services and immunisation programs were ignored

  • Need to improve information systems and TS during emergencies was highlighted

Gudza-Mugabe, M et al [37] Zimbabwe Testing, contact tracing and reporting Laboratory technologists
  • HRH were trained in antigen rapid diagnostic test protocols and testing was decentralised from 1 to over 1000 centres

  • Access to and uptake of testing increased

  • Turnaround time of reporting reduced to less than a day

  • Staff burnouts decreased

Honda, C et al [38] Japan Contact tracing, reporting and hospital coordination Part time public health nurses (PHN)
  • Acute workloads caused full time PHN fatigue, anxiety and confusion at public health centres

  • Full time PHN shifted workloads of epidemiological surveys, patient hospitalisation coordination, health monitoring of patient contacts and consultation to residents to part time PHNs as a measure to prevent burnouts and organisational dysfunction

Chidavaenzi, NZ et al [39] USA Testing, contact tracing, reporting and isolating Public health staff at health department, Staff at detention centre and casino (non-healthcare staff)
  • Training in rapid antigen-based testing led to 3834 tests for 716 people

  • Serial testing by non-health staff contributed to reduced case transmissions (only 1 positive case was recorded)

Raskin, SE et al [40] USA Testing, contact tracing, reporting and telephone-based risk communication Dental assistants and dental hygienists
  • Clinic closures and acute demands pulled HRH into surveillance and community mobilisation

  • Practices experienced significant call offs from assistants, hygienists and front desk operators, which burdened HRH further

Mohammed, A et al [41] Nigeria In-patient COVID care and other essential services Medical students
  • 80.4% students surveyed had good knowledge of COVID-19

  • 78.3% students felt at risk of infections, yet 93% of them expressed willingness to assist care provision. Parental disapproval and fear were cited by those unwilling to get involved.

  • Male respondents were more willing to assist, in comparison to females

Taylor, MK et al [42] Multi-country
(Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, Iraq, India USA, Brazil and more)
Testing, contact tracing, triaging, risk communication and in-patient COVID care Primary care physicians, medical students
  • Primary care physicians tested and triaged COVID-19 patients

  • Primary care physicians increased awareness about social distancing, symptoms and quarantining

  • Primary care physicians helped treat cases in intensive care units

  • Primary care physicians undertook nursing procedures

  • Final year medical students were involved in in-patient care

Eggleton, K et al [43] New Zealand Telephone triaging and nursing care Nurses and practice receptionists
  • Receptionists were upskilled in telephone triaging and they determined whether patients needed General physician (GP) consultations or referrals

  • Nurses and receptionist teams ran separate respiratory units to isolate patients with possible symptoms

  • Routine clinical tasks of COVID-19 were shifted onto nurses

  • TS increased workloads for nurses and receptionists, but freed GPs to attend more patients

  • TS improved system efficiency and outputs

Yoshioka-Maeda, K et al[44] Japan Telephone consultations Office support staff (non-healthcare staff)
  • Telephone consultations included queries on prevention measures and patient flow pathways; which did not need PHN involvement

  • Telephone consultations can be shifted onto low-level staff and office workers through training, creation of script-based manuals and monitoring

Yoshioka-Maeda, K [45] Japan Telephone consultations, information management, resource management Office support staff and external company (non-healthcare staff)
  • PHN developed a response manual for telephone consultations on COVID-19 and trained teams of office support staff to handle routine queries of local residents

  • PHN created a web-based system to host patient information management and shifted clerical work to office support staff

  • PHN shifted personal protective equipment management to external inventory management companies, increasing available nursing time and allocative efficiency

Helmi, M et al[46] Indonesia Intensive care services General practitioners and medical students
  • ICUs reported inadequate availability of equipment, service support on call specialists and ineffective TS, leadership and communication among hospital staff

  • Shifting services from specialists to general practitioners and students needs to be supplemented with training on roles, rights, communication and management skills

Sono-Setati, ME et al [47] South Africa Clinical auditing and resource management Hospital staff (not specific)
  • Sub-standard management of COVID-19 cases, medical records and resources and staff anxiety, confusion and stress was reported

  • Hospitals should expand roles of HRH to include TS to address staff shortages and burnouts

  • Clinical audits should be conducted and reviewed routinely

Köppen, J et al[48] Germany Emergency procedures for infection control Emergency paramedics
  • Although federal infection control law authorised TS, TS and skill-mixing was not mentioned in state policies directly

  • Only Saxony-Anhalt specified the law and provided information supplementing the federal law

  • Emergency paramedics were allowed to perform certain medical tasks provided they had competencies relevant to standard operating procedures and treatment pathways

  • Medical directors of services needed to enlist tasks shifted and ensure adequate documentation

Faria de Moura Villela, E et al [49] Brazil In-patient COVID care and emergency medical services Physicians, nurses and hospital staff
  • TS of services was seen in COVID wards (39.1%), intensive care units (11.6%) and emergency departments (15.9%)

  • Shifts in roles and corresponding salary cuts coincided with reporting of anxiety and depression in HRH

Mental health screening and therapeutic interventions
Ortega, AC et al [50] Mexico Psychosocial support, psychological first aid, grief management and palliative mental health services Primary care physicians, community healthcare workers and non-clinical office staff
  • Non-profit Compañeros En Salud trained non-specialist providers on stress, anxiety and depression screening, identifying nonverbal cues, referral systems, psychological first aid and self-care strategies and provided them with pocket field guides for reference

  • HRH were trained in contact tracing and their home-visit questionnaires had questions on patient mood, anxiety and suicidal thoughts

  • Alongside psychological support, they provided mental healthcare for patients who were grieving and patients in need of palliative mental healthcare due to COVID-19

Mukhsam, MH et al [51] Malaysia Psychosocial support Medical students
  • 400 international medical students were tested and quarantined upon return to the University from China

  • Disinfection and decontamination team performed cleaning upon positive case contact

  • Quarantine team isolated cases under investigations

  • Mobile medical and promotion team led surveillance and health education

  • Students were grouped in tens on online messaging platforms and were supervised by local mandarin-speaking peers, one in each group

  • Supervisors provided psychosocial support and health education

  • Supervisors ensured students filled home-monitoring questionnaires

HIV consultation, testing, counselling and treatment services
Omam, LA et al [52] Cameroon Counselling, testing, patient follow ups, Antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation and refilling Primary care physicians, nurses and non-clinical staff
  • Primary care-based differentiated service delivery of ART to internally displaced people during COVID-19 was achieved via mobile clinics

  • In 7 months, 14,623 persons were sensitised and 1,979 were tested, from which 122 tested positive and 33 placed on ART

  • 28 loss-to-follow up patents were relinked to treatment and 209 consultations were conducted

  • Mobile clinics were resource-effective in improving access of HIV services in conflict regions, but the model needs economic evaluation

Pry, J.M. et al [53] Zambia ART initiation and refilling, community mobilisation CHWs
  • Health ministry COVID-19 mitigation guidelines for HIV recommended dispensing 6 multi-month ART to patients and using TS to communicate and mobilise patients to collect ART refills early

  • Adjusted prevalence ratio (4.63; 95% CI 4.45 to 4.82) of early returns to collect ART improved significantly post guideline implementation

  • Weekly receipt of 6 multi-month dispensation increased from 47.9% before to 73.4% post guideline implementation

  • Proportion of late visits fell from 18.8% to 15.1% post guideline implementation

Abraham, SA et al [54] Ghana Prescribing and dispensing ART Nurses
  • Placing nurses at pharmacies and TS prescribing and dispensing of ART onto them reduced patient clustering and expedited service delivery during COVID-19 pandemic

  • Staff rosters and roles were changed to complement TS

Others: Sexual and reproductive health; Nutrition; Rheumatoid diseases
Jacobi, L et al [55] USA Provision of contraceptives and dispensing medicines CHWs
  • Informants reported that the pandemic has ‘primed’ stakeholders for TS and sharing services to and with community health workers at primary care level

  • TS and sharing provision of contraceptives and dispensing medicines a ‘necessity’ in times of COVID-19 in conflict affected regions

Davis, C. et al [56] Singapore Behaviour contracts for nutrition General physicians and nurses
  • In-patient services of a tertiary hospital underwent reorganisation of HRH, limiting teams to one physician, nutritionist and speciality nurse

  • Behaviour contracts for patients and caregivers, charted by psychologists ordinarily, were being drawn up by physicians and nurses during COVID-19

Kuhlmann, E et al [57] Germany Care for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders General practitioners, rheumatology specialist assistants and other medical assistants
  • 67% rheumatologists delegated tasks to rheumatology specialist assistants and other medical assistants

  • Rheumatologists perceived TS to rheumatology specialist assistants (87%) and GPs (33%) as an efficient approach to address rheumatologist shortages

  • 81% found cooperation with medical assistants and nurses as good or very good, while cooperation with GPs scored significantly lower