Extended Data Fig. 3. Numerical model of FtsZ WT - self-organization with varying flexibility, attraction and noise.
a, Extended visual phase diagram of the large-scale patterns (L = 212 d) with varying filament flexibility (measured by flexure number ℱ, vertical axis) and density (horizontal axis). b, Distribution of filament curvatures for rigid (ℱ = 5), semiflexible (ℱ = 40) and flexible filaments (ℱ = 200). Only rigid filaments keep a well-peaked curvature distribution. c, Evolution of average curvature of the system showing the temporal coexistence of chiral rings and polar bands in a small system size (L = 42 d) of intermediate density (Φ = 0.5). The vertical lines represent the timepoints of the snapshots in Fig. 2c. d, Visual phase diagram of the large-scale patterns (L = 212 d) with varying attraction (vertical axis) and density (horizontal axis). The rings are less stable without lateral attraction, while with the attraction being too strong, rings are favoured in small density (Φ < 0.25), while in the intermediate density cluster formation is very rapid resulting in lower occurrence of rings. e, Visual phase diagram of the large-scale patterns (L = 212 d) with varying noise (measured by Peclet number Pe, vertical axis) and density (horizontal axis). The rings are more abundant and stable with higher Peclet numbers, with strongest differences at lower density (0.05 < Φ < 0.25). Filaments are colored according to the orientation of the bond vectors between beads.