Fig. 7. Effects of isofalcarintriol in aged mice on glucose sensitivity, exercise capacity, and parameters of frailty.
a Schematic overview of isofalcarintriol (1a) supplementation study with aged C57BL/6NRj mice on chow diet. b Glucose tolerance test 20-month-old male mice (DMSO: n = 10; IFT: n = 11 mice; 15 min: p = 0.03) and (c) fasted blood glucose levels at 29 months of age (n = 21 mice per treatment). d Glucose tolerance test in 20-month-old female mice (n = 12 per treatment) and (e) fasted blood glucose levels at 29 months of age (n = 18 mice per treatment). Total frailty index (FI) score of (f) male (22 months: p = 0.0078; 25 months: p = 0.0005; 28 months: p = 0.0254, 31 months: p = 0.0007) and (h) female mice (p = 0.03) (n = as indicated below bars). Calculated phenotypical age based on FI scores, (g) of male mice (28 months: p = 0.0169; 31 months: p = 0.0246) and (i) of female mice (n = as indicated in panels). Sex-independent frailty parameters, shown as males and females combined, including (j) endurance capacity (p = 0.03) (n = 37 mice per treatment), (k) total frailty index score at individual endpoints (p = 0.01), as well as (l) grimace and (m) breathing scores (28 months: p = 0.0378). Sex-dependent health parameters in either male or female mice, including (n) grip strength of male mice (month 28) (DMSO: n = 16; IFT: n = 15 mice) (p = 0.0036), o heart rate variability (HRV) (p = 0.0014) and p coefficient of variation (CV) (p = 0.002) as measured via electrocardiogram (ECG) in female mice (month 27) (DMSO: n = 18; IFT: n = 17 mice), q White blood cell count (WBC) (p = 0.04), and number of lymphocytes (LYM) (p = 0.048) (DMSO: n = 11; IFT: n = 8) as well as concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokines (r) IL-4 (p = 0.0064) and (s) IL-10 (p = 0.0070) in female plasma (month 29) (n = 7 mice per treatment). Data in (b)–(e), (j), and (n)–(r) are represented as average + SD or ± SD. Box plots indicate median (middle line), 25th, 75th percentile (box) and min, max values (whiskers). Data in (l) and (m) show the average ± SEM. Statistics: two-sided unpaired student’s t-test; two-way repeated measures ANOVA; mixed effects analysis; Mann–Whitney test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.