Figure 7.
Preliminary experiments investigating various values for the and parameters in the focal loss equation, highlighting the rationale behind optimized values of and , which were also reported as optimized values in Lin et al.44 Here, we iterated across ("weights") and . Both (a) and (b) illustrate Bland–Altman plots (top panel) and continuous score histograms (bottom panel), highlighting both repeatability and relative class discrimination across the various parameter choices. In (a), is held constant, and (0.25, inverse class frequency) and the method of reduction (mean, sum) are iterated. In (b), and the method of reduction are held constant, while (1.5, 2, 3, 4) is iterated. Overall, the results indicate that increasing leads to improved repeatability (as indicated by the narrower 95% limit of agreement (LoA) on the Bland Altman plot) but slightly poorer class discrimination (as indicated by the narrower score range in both the Bland Altman plot and the histogram); changing and/or the method of reduction has relatively less effect on repeatability and class discrimination. The best overall balance between the two is achieved with and , consistent with Lin et al.44.