FIG. 3.
Amino acid alignments of the E. coli PN/PL/PM kinase PdxK and the E. coli PL kinase PdxY with homologs from other organisms. Kinase activities have been demonstrated directly only for E. coli PdxK and PdxY (see the text) (44), human PKH (human homolog of pyridoxal kinase) (17), and T. brucei PdxK (34); the other sequences are putative homologs identified by Blast searches. The sequences have the following database accession numbers: E. coli PdxK (PdxK_ecoli), GenBank U53700; S. typhimurium Yfei (yfei_salty), SW P40192; E. coli PdxY (PdxY_ecoli), DDBJ D90807 cds10; H. influenzae Yfei (yfei_haein), SW P44690; S. cerevisiae Yn8fp (yn8f_yeast), SW P53727; S. cerevisiae Yec9p (yec9_yeast), SW P39988; T. brucei PdxK (PdxK_tbruc), GenBank U96712; C. elegans PdxK (PdxK_celeg), GenBank AF003142; R. norvegicus Plk (Plk_rnorv), GenBank AF020346; and human PKH (PKH_human), U89606. Conserved motifs that may be involved in substrate binding or catalysis are overlined and discussed in the text. Solid background, identical amino acids; shaded background, similar amino acids.