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. 2023 Nov 9;15(11):e48551. doi: 10.7759/cureus.48551

Table 2. Relevant Characteristics, Management Plan, and Adherence of the Study Participants.

ADLs: activities of daily living

*Significant at p<0.05

  Hospital clinic care Home healthcare p-value
n=128 % n=128 %
Functional assessment Can do ADLs fully 74 57.8 8 6.3 <0.001*
Can do ADLs partially/with assistance 46 35.9 88 68.8
Dependent 8 6.3 32 25
Length of follow-up Less than 1 month 1 0.8 1 0.8 <0.001*
1-2 months 0 0 12 9.4
3-6 months 2 1.6 6 4.7
7 months-1 year 2 1.6 4 3.1
2-3 years 6 4.7 26 20.3
4-7 years 17 13.3 55 43
8-10 years 10 7.8 12 9.4
More than 10 years 90 70.3 12 9.4
Cognitive function Well-oriented 116 90.6 78 60.9 <0.001*
Not fully oriented 6 4.7 37 28.9
Not oriented/demented 6 4.7 13 10.2
Caregiver Wife 0 0 13 10.2 <0.001*
Husband 0 0 3 2.3
Daughter 9 7 33 25.8
Son 9 7 27 21.1
Home nurse 0 0 2 1.6
Caregiver 27 21.1 36 28.1
Independent 83 64.8 14 10.9
Adherence to medication Yes 85 66.4 64 50 0.029*
Sometimes (on and off) 37 28.9 55 43
No 6 4.7 9 7
Adherence to the diet plan Yes 23 18 42 32.8 0.014*
Sometimes (on and off) 87 68 76 59.4
No 18 14.1 10 7.8
Types of medications No medication 2 1.6 6 4.7 <0.001*
Oral antidiabetic drugs only 64 50 49 38.3
Insulin only 4 3.1 29 22.7
Both oral and insulin 58 45.3 44 34.4
Activity Bedfast 3 2.3 23 18 <0.001*
Chair fast 13 10.2 45 35.2
Walks frequently 5 3.9 14 10.9
Walks occasionally with assistance 31 24.2 44 34.4
No limitation to mobility 76 59.4 2 1.6
Source of nutrition Oral feeding independently 122 95.3 78 60.9 <0.001*
Oral feeding with assistance 4 3.1 46 35.9
Nasogastric tube 1 0.8 4 3.1
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube 1 0.8 0 0
Nutritional status Adequate 110 85.9 84 65.6 <0.001*
Probably inadequate 12 9.4 44 34.4
Very poor 6 4.7 0 0
On supplemented formula Yes 5 3.9 26 20.3 <0.001*
No 123 96.1 102 79.7