Photographs of various E. coli strains. The strains were grown in L broth at 30°C to mid-log phase and then shifted to 44°C. Samples were prepared as described in Materials and Methods and visualized with a Zeiss Research Microscope, using Kodak Tmax black-and-white film. Magnification, ×400. (A) MG1693 (wild type), 30°C; (B) MG1693 (wild type), 180 min at 44°C; (C) SK8232 (mrsC505), 30°C; (D) SK8232 (mrsC505), 180 min at 44°C; (E) SK5665 (rne-1), 30°C; (F) SK5665 (rne-1), 120 min at 44°C; (G) SK8244 (mrsC505 rne-1), 30°C; (H) SK8244 (mrsC505 rne-1), 180 min at 44°C.